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Amnesty International UK
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The Boards of Amnesty International UK Section and Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust are assisted by subcommittees. They provide specialist advice in areas such as policy, human resources and finance.

Our subcommittees are: 

Members of both Boards also participate in the Joint Consultative Committee with our senior management and union representatives.

Building a Powerful Movement Subcommittee (BPMSC)

Activism is fundamental to achieving Amnesty International’s goal of ending human rights abuses worldwide. The Building a Powerful Movement Subcommittee is a joint subcommittee serving the Boards of Amnesty International UK Section and Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust. It helps to monitor and support  the health growth and impact of activism in the UK.

  • Richard Kotter (Section Board Rep)
  • Helen Moulinos (Charitable Trust Board Rep)
  • Fionnuala Gray (Local Activism Rep)
  • Nabila Hanson  (Country Co-ordinator Rep)
  • Sydney Miller (Student Action Network Committee Rep)
  • Bob Barron (Trade Union Network Rep)
  • Lyall Tighe (Youth Collective Rep)
  • Vacant (Children’s Human Rights Network Committee Rep)
  • Vacant (Rainbow Network Committee Representative)
  • Vacant (Anti-Racism Network Committee Representative)
  • Vacant (Disabled Peoples Network)

Campaigns and Impact Sub-Committee (CISC)

The Campaigns and Impact Sub-Committee (CISC) is a joint subcommittee serving the Boards of the Amnesty International UK Section and the Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust. It has the important task of helping to improve the effectiveness of our human rights and campaigning, providing support and scrutiny on monitoring, evaluation and learning across our campaigns, helping to maximise our impact throughout our body of work and within individual campaigns.


  • Helen Horton (Chair) (Section Board Rep)
  • Ramazan Jumazada (Section Board Rep)
  • Helen Moulinos (Charitable Trust Board Rep)
  • Shirah Mansaray (Charitable Trust Board Rep) – On Maternity Leave
  • Paola Uccellari
  • Michelle Gillan
  • Ruth Isden
  • Esmee Russell
  • Dr Ruth Valerio
  • Fionnuala Gray (Building a Powerful Movement Rep)

Finance Audit and Risk Sub-Committee (FARSC)

The Finance, Audit and Risk Sub-committee is a joint sub-committee serving the Boards of Amnesty International UK Section and Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust. It provides expert advice to the Boards, focussing on the financial health of the organisations, effective risk identification and management and supporting the oversight of internal and external audit.


  • Andy Townend Chair (Section Board Representative)
  • Sophia Adams Bhatti  (Section Board Rep)
  • David Keen (Trust Board Rep)
  • Ian Adams (Trust Board Rep)
  • Jo Woods
  • Niels Pedersen
  • Martin Lunnon
  • Stephen Forster
  • Clive Heaphy
  • Bob Miles

Nominations Subcommittee

The Nominations subcommittee is a joint sub-committee serving the Boards of Amnesty International UK Section and Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust. It leads on identifying prospective candidates for governance and Chief Executive , helping to ensure that governance leadership is  diverse, inclusive, equitable and anti-racist, and comprised of people with the right skills and expertise to drive AIUK’s strategy forward.


  • Andrew Lines  (Charitable Trust Rep)
  • Ian Adams (Charitable Trust Board Rep) 
  • Meera Nair
  • Mary O’Shea

People, Culture and Inclusion Sub-Committee (PCISC)

The People, Culture and Inclusion Sub-committee is a joint sub-committee serving the Board of Amnesty International UK Section and Amnesty International UK Charitable Trust. It provides strategic human resources advice and oversight, supports our work on inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism and and supports culture change. It also monitors and advises on safeguarding across the organisations, supporting policy development and oversight of its implementation.


  • Helen Horton (Section Board Rep)
  • Charlie Waring (Section Board Rep)
  • Shirah Mansaray (Trust Board Rep) – Maternity Leave
  • John Murphy
  • Kate Caulkin
  • Mandeep Gill

Grants and Impact Sub-Committee (GISC)

The Grants sub-committee is a sub-committee of the AIUK Charitable Trust Board. It assists the Trustees in making decisions to approve charitable grants and the release of funds. It provides oversight of grant applications; reviewsexisting grants and helps to assess potential funders.


  • Andrew Lines (Chair, Trust Board Rep)
  • Shirah Mansaray (Trust Board Rep) - On Maternity Leave
  • David Keen (Charitable Trust Rep)
  • Dr Henrietta Blackmore
  • Tracey Deal