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The Amnesty UK Anti-Death Penalty Project campaigns for an end to the death penalty worldwide, and, until that aim is achieved, for prisoners subject to death penalty sentences to have those sentences reduced, commuted or indefinitely delayed. We believe that the death penalty is always unacceptable, morally and pragmatically, whatever crime someone may have committed. However, we also recognise that capital punishment, and the threat of it, is also a tool of social and political control, when no crime has been committed at all. Join us to campaign to an end to the death penalty. |
Adopt a US state
Alongside our ongoing work advocating and campaigning for individuals at risk of execution, this year we are focusing a more strategic piece of work on the USA. The USA is an executing country, both federally and, in many places, at state level. We are asking activists and groups to "adopt a state", and work strategically over at least the next year on campaigning to move that state along the path to abolishing the death penalty. In California, which still has the death penalty in law, but has not executed in quite some time, the next stage is legal abolition. Messaging might be targeted around making the law reflective of reality, ensuring no back-sliding is possible, etc., while in Texas, which executes regularly, the messaging might be about limiting death penalty sentencing, taking steps to block executions where there are concerns about bias of the prosecutors, judge or jury, capacity of the condemned, etc. - promoting steps that will reduce use of the death penalty, as an early part of a journey to abolition.
You can learn more about the campaign on the resource page on the website, or by getting in touch. Do follow our mailings by signing up to the Death Penalty Project in the 'Menu of Options'.