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Amnesty International UK
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In Feburary last year, Amnesty activists launched an "Activist Led Network" - the UN network - to support the priority campaigning goal of defending an improving International Human Rights Frameworks. The network also seeks to help people better understand the human rights mechanisms and processes of the UN, so that their campaigning can be more effective. 


Current Campaigns

Stop Abuse of UN Security Council Veto

We believe that existing international law - such as the Geneva Conventions and Genocide Convention - already renders illegal vetoes cast against credible resolutions aimed at preventing or stopping mass atrocities. 

We are campaigning against this abuse of the veto.


Getting in Touch

Please note, because this network is part of an Activist Led Campaign, and was set up without staff capacity, you cannot sign up for news and updates in the way of most of the other networks and groups in this pack. 

To get involved, or to get in touch, please contact the organisers directly at