Sign the petition to the Cuban Embassy in the UK demanding Luis Manuel’s immediate release.
To Her Excellency Bárbara Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban Ambassador to the UK,
I am calling on you to immediately and unconditionally release Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara [who is a prisoner of conscience] and drop all charges as he has been detained solely for peacefully exercising his human right to freedom of expression and assembly.
Sign the petition to the Cuban Embassy in the UK demanding Luis Manuel’s immediate release.
To Her Excellency Bárbara Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban Ambassador to the UK,
I am calling on you to immediately and unconditionally release Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara [who is a prisoner of conscience] and drop all charges as he has been detained solely for peacefully exercising his human right to freedom of expression and assembly.

Luis Manuel is an artist who is imprisoned after he shared online he was going to join large protests in Cuba. Help tell the Cuban authorities to release Luis Manuel immediately.
Luis Manuel is a self-taught Black Cuban artist who loves to paint, dance, and wear bright pink suits.
When the Cuban authorities announced a new law designed to silence artists, Decree 349, he became a leader of a diverse group of artists, journalists and activists in the country who defended the right to freedom of expression.
He posted a video online, saying he would be taking part with others in one of the largest demonstrations Cuba had seen in decades. But he was arrested before the protest took place and taken to Guanajay maximum security prison, where he remains.
Luis Manuel was sentenced to five years in prison after a trial behind closed doors. In prison, his health is declining and he’s not getting proper medical care.
Freedom of expression is a human right. Wherever this right to protest is threatened, injustice can thrive.
Act now and help tell the Cuban authorities to release Luis Manuel immediately.