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Thank you for signing our petition to help make homelessness history in the UK.



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We know that when we come together for human rights, we can change history. 

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We know that when we come together for human rights, we can change history. 

If you have 30 seconds, please share the action with friends and family.


We know that when we come together for human rights, we can change history. 

If you have 30 seconds, please share the action with friends and family.


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Every action taken has an impact. You've helped change governments' minds, free individuals unjustly detained and stop executions.

Please donate today to help us protect everyone's human rights. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust

Learn more about our everyday rights campaign

Thank you for sharing !name

Every action taken has an impact. You've helped change governments' minds, free individuals unjustly detained and stop executions.

Please donate today to help us protect everyone's human rights. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust


History is made in big and small ways. Every action taken to build a free and fair society matters.

Please donate today to help us protect everyone's human rights. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust

Learn more about our everyday rights campaign


History is made in big and small ways. Every action taken to build a free and fair society matters.

Please donate today to help us protect everyone's human rights. Thank you.

By donating from this page, your money will go to support the work of Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust

To end the homelessness crisis, we are calling on the Prime Minister to: 

  • 🏘️ Make sure people can afford rent so they don’t lose their homes 

  • 🫙 Don’t let people living on the streets lose vital help by ensuring ongoing funding to support people experiencing homelessness 

  • 📋 Involve people who have experienced homelessness in creating solutions to end homelessness 

Prime Minister: End the Homelessness Crisis

Home is a human right projected on angel of the north

A record number of people, including children, are experiencing homelessness in the UK, and without swift action, the situation will continue to get worse.  

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Poor housing conditions, such as damp and mould, are leading to tens of thousands of children under four being hospitalised in England every year, showing that homelessness isn’t just a housing issue, it’s also a health issue.  

Current social security payment levels aren't enough to meet the most basic human needs like food, and long waiting times to access them only add to the strain. Supported accommodation, such as hostels, should be a stepping stone out of homelessness, instead, people are finding themselves stuck there for years, trapped in a system that lacks proper support and security.  

The combination of unaffordable rents and the lack of adequate safety nets is pushing more and more people into homelessness. To end this crisis, we need to create a system that offers real solutions, giving those with lived experience a seat at the table. We must recognise that homelessness is not inevitable but the result of political choices and a broken system.

The Government has quickly addressed issues in the criminal justice system, economic instability, and the Rwanda policy with a commitment to swift action. As they return to parliament, we must pressure them to apply the same urgency to tackling homelessness and ensuring everyone has the right to a safe and secure home.

Our asks to the Prime Minister are grounded in research conducted in partnership with Groundswell, an organisation that works directly with people with lived experience of homelessness to develop solutions to homelessness. 

Home is a human right projected on angel of the north


Help us get to 10,000

To end the homelessness crisis, we are calling on the Prime Minister to: 

  • 🏘️ Make sure people can afford rent so they don’t lose their homes 

  • 🫙 Don’t let people living on the streets lose vital help by ensuring ongoing funding to support people experiencing homelessness 

  • 📋 Involve people who have experienced homelessness in creating solutions to end homelessness 

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