19,694 people called on the Iranian Embassy in the UK to stop the repression

Thank you to the tens of thousands of you who took action demanding that the Iranian Embassy in the UK to stop the repression. The sheer volume of your response has been incredible.
On the street demonstrating, in the halls of power and across our communities- Woman Life Freedom will continue to ring clear.
Thank you for showing your support for brave Iranian women, men and children. For eight months now, people in Iran continue to demand their human rights be respected in the face of violent repression. You’ve shown your solidarity with Woman, Life, Freedom in Iran and called on the Iranian embassy to act now and stop their widespread repression. Together, we have the power to amplify the calls of Iranian women and girls, and to hold to account those responsible for human rights abuses in Iran. Read on to find out the impact of our actions together!
What’s been happening?
In a desperate attempt to cling on to power and quell the popular uprising, Iranian authorities are using the death penalty as a tool of political repression against a generation of courageous protesters.
In a desperate attempt to cling on to power and quell the popular uprising, Iranian authorities are using the death penalty as a tool of political repression. Since December 2022, at least seven young protesters have been executed in horrying circumstances. Mohsen Sehkari, Majidreza Rahnavard, Mohammad Mehdi Karami, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Majid Kazemi, Saleh Mirhashemi and Saeed Yaghoubi.
This is a blatant act of vengeance against a courageous generation for steadfastly demanding the rights of Iranian people during the past eight months. We oppose the death penalty in all cases without exception. We won’t forget their names.
At least 11 people sentenced to death are at grave risk of execution in connection with protests.
We are calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately quash all convictions and death sentences on those detained for exercising their rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly and immediately establish an official moratorium on executions with a view of abolishing the death penalty.
Together we create change
Iranian and Kurdish women roundtable
In honour of International Women’s Day, we helped convene an Iranian & Kurdish women human rights defenders roundtable in Parliament. We are supporting advocacy led by women human rights defenders on Woman, Life Freedom; and are seeking further meetings with Parliamentarians as well as UK officials.
We marked 115 days of protests
On January 8th 2023, we joined campaign groups and protesters in Trafalgar Square. We marked the 115th day of worldwide ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ protests, and three years since the downing of passenger jet (flight PS752) over Tehran, standing in solidarity with victims’ families who continue to fight for transparency, justice & accountability.
United Nations win!
United Nations win! After 1 million of us signed our petition, on 24 November the United Nations Human Rights Council created a landmark independent fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations after the protests at the killing of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini. It passed with 25/47 votes. The mission is due to provide its first oral update to the 53rd session of the UNHRC soon.
Iran's crisis of impunity must end
The @UN_HRC has created a landmark fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations after the protests at the death of #Mahsa_Amini. It passed with 25/47 votes
25 votes for truth, justice & human rights@AmnestyIran @AmnestyUN
— Amnesty UK (@AmnestyUK) December 2, 2022
What can I do next?
- Follow Amnesty Iran on Twitter
- Check out our MP resource page on executions