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Amnesty International UK
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Join today to help us investigate and expose human rights abuses around the world.

We stay in crisis and conflict zones long after the headlines disappear, gathering evidence of human rights violations to hold perpetrators to account. 

Will you help us continue this crucial work by joining Amnesty Uncovers?

Join us today and you’ll receive first-hand information from our investigators. You’ll also become a crucial part of our work, helping to fund investigations into human rights abuses. 



How it works

Join Amnesty Uncovers with a regular gift that could: 

  • Help cover the travel costs of investigators in crisis or conflict zones 
  • Help pay for local translators and fixers who support our investigators on the ground by arranging travel, meetings, and equipment 
  • Help provide the vital technology our investigators need to expose human rights violations. 

Receive your digital welcome pack 

Discover in detail how being part of Amnesty Uncovers will help facilitate investigations in crisis or conflict zones. Your welcome pack includes first-hand information and reporting from our investigators.

Monthly updates from the UK and around the world

Each month you’ll receive exclusive information that shows the vital role you’re playing in holding perpetrators to account. You’ll discover exactly what your monthly gift could be paying for and how that facilitates our investigations globally.



Join us and receive exclusive monthly bulletins updating you on the work you’re helping to fund. This includes our investigations into:

Conflict zones
Uncovering abuses by military forces and armed groups who destroy the lives of ordinary people.

Refugees & migrants
Exposing the exploitation and abuse of people displaced by war, famine, oppression or the climate crisis.

Detention centres
Often unregulated, detention centres are rife with abuse and exploitation. Our investigations help to hold perpetrators to account.

Labour exploitation
The right to a fair wage without fear of violence is under threat in many countries. We investigate the conditions and demands put on workers around the world.

Illegal arms trade
Weapons of war, as well as those illegally sold to armed groups or criminal gangs, are responsible for millions of deaths and injuries every year. We investigate the impact of the unregulated flow of weapons.

Keeping up with the ever-advancing technology used to suppress the freedoms of people around the world requires constant vigilance and reporting.


Amnesty International works globally to protect human rights and campaign for the rights of individuals. We focus on the issues and people most in need at any time, so your donation may be used to fund other areas of our work.