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Annual Review 2023

2023 marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a pivotal recognition that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights. This anniversary underscored the critical role of the international framework for accountability, which, despite its imperfections, has been essential over the decades. However, human rights are now facing unprecedented threats. 

The starkest evidence of this in 2023 was the devastating situation in Gaza. Following war crimes by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups, the Israeli government launched massive attacks on Palestinian civilians and infrastructure. Despite overwhelming evidence of potential Israeli war crimes, the USA, the UK, and many other governments failed to support proper investigations, continuing to export arms to Israel and ignoring the clear risk of genocide against Palestinians. 

Thanks to your support, Amnesty International was able to investigate human rights violations by all parties involved. This enabled us to counter the Israeli government’s incorrect claims that its actions complied with international law and strengthened our calls for a ceasefire. Beyond Gaza, we drew international attention to other human rights crises, such as the displacement of millions by military factions in Sudan and the plight of older people left behind in Ukraine’s war zones.

In the UK, human rights came under unprecedented attack. We mobilized a coalition of organizations to defend the Human Rights Act, successfully pressuring the government to abandon its attempts to repeal it. We also continued to campaign against restrictions on the freedom to protest and the assault on refugee rights, which undermine the international Refugee Convention. 

In a world where the very idea of human rights is coming under increasing attack, the generosity of Amnesty supporters enables us to defend the rights of people in the UK and beyond. The Annual Review highlights our progress towards this in 2023. 

Thank you for supporting Amnesty International UK and helping us defend human rights for all.

Read our Annual Review

AIUK Annual Review 2023