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May 12 2010 12:02PM
Shirin didn't want to go!

Fereshteh Ghazi Roozonline Daily It is a long-standing tradition that when some one is due for execution they inform them the night before so they write their will and say farewll to their families and friends. At 10 PM on Satuarday 8...

May 9 2010 11:15PM
In memory of Shirin Alamhoie who was hanged today

Recently, female political prisoner Shirin Alam hoei was sentenced to death in Iran for allegedly being a member of the Kurdish opposition organization PJAK. Below is the translation of her letter from prison which was written on...

May 9 2010 12:30PM
Iran Executed Shirin Dehlovi and 4 more Kurdish prisoners

In the morning of 10 May we woke up by the horrible news of the execution of 5 Kurdish prisoners in the notorious Evin prison in our country. One woman, Shirin Dehlovi and four men: Farzad Kamangar, a teacher who was arrested in 2007...

May 5 2010 7:40PM
Nedas Open Eyes Drove Me Mad

April 30, 2010 Neda Agha-Soltan’s Mother in Interview with Rooz: Fereshteh Ghazi Hajar Rostami-Motlagh, Neda Agha-Soltan’s mother, told Rooz in an interview that her daughter’s open eyes have driven her mad. According to the Time...

Apr 30 2010 1:18PM
Laleh Hassanpour, a poet under torture to 'confess'

For a long time, every morning when I opened my Yahoo mail, there came the photo of this beautiful woman along with her latest piece of poetry. Laleh always wore a cap and smiled at you sideways. I never thought she lived in Iran. Her...

Apr 27 2010 11:49AM
Iran is about to join UN Commision on the Status of Women!

The Islamic Republic of Iran, whose record of gender discrimination and abuse of the rights of its female citizens is a well-documented and well-known fact is about to join the Un Commision on the Status of Women (CSW). The ECOSOC...

Apr 20 2010 1:32PM
A letter that breaks your heart

We have already written about Shabnam Madadzadeh in this blog. A univestity student and deputy assistant to a branch of one of the legitimate political parties in Iran. Shabnam was arrested more than a year ago by the security forces...

Apr 7 2010 5:38PM
Welcome to the new Women's Action Network Blog

We have felt for some time the need to engage members in direct interaction with each other, and here is your chance to do so. You can browse, add an item or take part in any ongoing discussion, and to give you a start we have placed a...

Apr 6 2010 3:00PM
Concern about Mahboobeh Karami's ill-health

Mahboubeh Karami, member of One Million Signature Campaign was arrested last year in Tehran and kept in solitary for 200 days. Mahboobeh had not committed any crime. Her only crime is being member of the Campaign. Last year, when her...

Mar 30 2010 12:00PM
Mother's Day action, results and what's next...

Well I certainly remembered to get my Mum a Mother’s Day card this year and make the trip down to South London to see her, but I did have a good reminder! All the previous week I was working with activists and other organisations like...

Mar 27 2010 6:24PM
Zahra Jabari, a woman prisoner in danger of ill-health

According to reports by human rights activists in iran, prisoner of conscious, Ms Zahra Jabari is suffering from heart problems and acute rheumatism and is hardly able to walk without aid. Medical authorities in prison have refused to...

Mar 27 2010 10:06AM
Conspiracy against Iran's national security

Alieh Eghdamdoust is a woman's rights activist from the north regions of Iran who is serving 3 year prison term for her activities which were raising women's awareness of their rights. Despite widespread campaigns for her release Alieh...

Mar 25 2010 9:51PM
A big thank you to the IS Middle East Team, especially Ann Harrison and Drury Dyke

Last Iranian year was a difficult and turbulent year for the Iranian people. Iran was about to have its presidential elections after 5 years of Ahmadinejad’s presidency which brought economic disaster, political chaos and international...

Mar 25 2010 2:35PM
Women of Iran, 31 years on

I shall never die As I have sowed the seed of words. Ferdowsi, 10th century Iranian poet. It was 8 March 1979, a month after the Iranian revolution had overthrown 2500 years monarchy and was about to set a date for the referendum to...

Mar 22 2010 11:00AM
Thank you for supporting us in our struggles

“Thank you for all of the actions you have carried out to support us in our struggles, and in favour of the rights of Nicaraguan women and girls.” These are the words of Juanita Jiménez Martínez. She is one of the nine Nicaraguan women...

Feb 10 2010 11:00AM
It's official - we've made a visible impact in Parliament!

UPDATE: We are still monitoring the success of the pilot project that the government has started for 3 months. The project should be ended at the end of February and we can already see some points where we will need you to follow up...

Nov 11 2009 11:00AM
206 people lobby 65 MPs to Stop Violence Against Women

Last week, we held a mass lobby of parliament – demanding that all women in the UK are given equal access to refuges and support services. Hundreds of you joined us at the House of Commons to meet your MP in person and ask for their...

Oct 2 2009 12:00PM
Rape in Chad, Bosnia – and right here in the city.

For the last two days, reports of women’s rights abuses have dominated the homepage of our site , bringing the subject of violence against women to the fore of Amnesty UK’s online campaigning. Two of the items concern...

Feb 27 2009 11:00AM
Each year, around 1 in 10 women in Britain experience rape or other violence

One in four local authorities leave female victims of violence without the specialised support they need. Scary, isn’t it? Find out how the flashmob went to spread this message for International Women’s Day Make a difference – email...

Feb 2 2009 11:00AM
Map of Gaps: Showing up a lack of services for women in Britain who experience violence

Although charities such as Womankind, Refuge and the End Violence Against Women coalition (EVAW) have done a lot to raise awareness of violence against women, the new report ‘Map of Gaps’ by EVAW and the Equality and Human Rights...
