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2008 (247)
Feb 8 2008 2:47PM
Takeaway rappers

Crazy Chef and Little Tiger. No, not two pre-merger roadside restaurants but a couple of Chinese rappers who, as the Times put it, are putting the bling in Beijing. Together with a chap called Kirby Li, they form Dragons Tongue - China...

Feb 6 2008 2:05PM
The stuff of life?

With Super Tuesday mania spilling into Wednesday a big US story has snuck out over CIA chief Michael Hayden admitting for the first time that Americas intelligence officials have been waterboarding prisoners held in the war on terror...

Feb 5 2008 4:32PM
Attacks on the Press

Sometimes when Im talking to a journalist I know, whos telling me (usually excitedly) about an impending trip to somewhere like Iraq or Somalia, Im tempted to say be careful. But it sounds a bit lame, so I dont. Next time I mightnt...

Feb 4 2008 1:23PM
A super busy week ahead

With January finally behind us and the cold weather starting to bite, we thought wed take a look at the week ahead and give you some issues to think about. If youre having a Mediocre Monday, dont worry, tomorrows Super Tuesday. Well it...

Feb 1 2008 1:57PM
Subverting state power? State secret.

So its February and were all remarking how quickly the year is passing. But Chinese activist Hu Jia wont be feeling this way. He was detained, reportedly by about 30 security officers, in his dining room two days after Christmas and...

Jan 31 2008 5:20PM
In privacy or a public spectacle? The end result's the same

I normally find January long and never-ending. But this year, global events have kept us so busy here in the Amnesty press office that I cant believe it will be 1st February tomorrow. First Pakistan, then Kenya. Today Iran is on our...

Jan 30 2008 10:01AM
Out in the cold in Grozny and a look at democracy in Russia

Nearly 150 families have been thrown out of their temporary homes into the cold winters night in Grozny, Chechnya. And by cold I dont mean a bit chilly todays forecast is for snow, with a maximum temperature of -5 Celcius. The families...

Jan 29 2008 3:01PM
Bloodshed in Kenya, plans for it in Turkey

News of more bloodshed, killings and chaos is coming from Kenya every day at the moment. Despite international mediators installed in the region to bring agreement between the two political leaders, the violence blazes on, leaving...

Jan 28 2008 5:04PM
A tale of violence and dictators

This weekend has been a busy one for the press team. Its been a heady mix of dictators and violence. Terrible violent attacks and strife continues to flare up throughout Kenya. 19 people were burned to death yesterday after a mob of...

Jan 25 2008 4:25PM
Welcome to President Musharraf

Its all go on Pakistan this weekend. President Pervez Musharraf arrives on these shores later today as part of a four-day visit. As The Telegraph reports , hes already spent most of the week gallivanting around Europe trying to...

Jan 24 2008 5:23PM
Lock them up and throw away the key (for six weeks)

After much delay and a period of supposed consultation, the Home Secretary today published the Counter-Terrorism Bill, accompanied by a media blitz. (Though she was soon upstaged by Peter Hain). I say supposed consultation because, as...

Jan 23 2008 1:54PM
'It's just a domestic ...'

The police are definitely in the news today! I dont know about more bobbies on the beat, but theres definitely quite a lot of the boys and girls in blue on their give us more pay demo: over 18,000 theyre saying . Cant resist repeating...

Jan 22 2008 1:38PM
Keeping the peace

A new Amnesty report has put Darfur back on the news agenda this morning. The report highlights how the security level is worsening for people now living in camps in the region. As the BBC reports, Amnestys concerned that the new UN...

Jan 21 2008 5:19PM
Will mediation solve this crisis?

Things are looking up in Kenya as the former UN-Secretary General Kofi Annan arrives to try to help to resolve the political crisis unfolding in that country. But if this weekends events are anything to go by, a lot needs to be done in...

Jan 18 2008 1:36PM
The proverbial broken promise

“If you survive death, big fortune will follow,” one of the passengers on board the plane that crashed at Heathrow yesterday was quoted in the Daily Mail as saying. There were several Chinese faces among the passengers as the plane had...

Jan 17 2008 1:13PM
Stop the violence, cure the sick

Stop the violence, cure the sick. Well its an aspiration. Tragically, for the last 24 hours theres been media report after media report of terrible violence in several spots around the globe - from Sri Lanka (mentioned in yesterdays...

Jan 16 2008 2:18PM
Bombing the truce

The bomb which blew up a bus in north-central Sri Lanka proves that the cease fire between the government and the Tamil Tigers is well and truly over. Todays bomb which has killed at least 25 people, including school children has also...

Jan 15 2008 1:51PM
Executions by stoning in Iran

We have a new report out today on Iran, about the horrific practice of stoning people to death. The death penalty is wrong in all cases weve just been crowded round the TV watching Kenny Richey being interviewed by This Morning after...

Jan 14 2008 1:01PM
Slippery with waterboarding?

The waterboarding row rumbles on. Theres a lot of coverage of remarks from the US Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, whos been giving his take on the issue. Waterboarding would be excruciating," hes quoted as saying in...

Jan 11 2008 9:34AM
Six years on - Close Guantanamo Bay

I'm standing outside the US embassy in Grosvenor Square, London W1 and infront of me is my colleague Dougald, looking cold and miserable in a tiny cell with iron bars , wearing an orange boiler suit. We're here as part of Amnesty's all...
