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2010 (248)
Jan 13 2010 3:35PM
Google steps out from behind the Great Firewall

I actually thought I was still dreaming this morning when I heard that Google was going to stop censoring Internet search results in China (and, if necessary, pull out if the country altogether). But it’s true – you can read all about...

Jan 12 2010 1:13PM
The wonderful world of the Daily Mail

Sometimes the world of the media throws you a bit of a curve ball. And so it was today. What am I talking about? None other than the Daily Mail putting its weight behind a human rights pressure group campaigning against forced...

Jan 11 2010 3:38PM
Eight years of Guantánamo: another unhappy birthday

Incredibly, it’s now eight years since the first shackled and orange-jump-suited prisoners were taken to the notorious prison camp at Guantánamo. Eight years. This is a long time if you’ve been found guilty of a crime and sent to...

Jan 8 2010 2:36PM
Channel 4 Vs the Sri Lankan Government

Journalists and their editors make many difficult decisions, perhaps none more so than whether to quote from or broadcast material for which they cannot be absolutely sure of the source but where if genuine the contents reveal evidence...

Jan 7 2010 2:50PM
A real threat of an upsurge of violence in Sudan

Today’s report published by ten aid agencies about the volatile situation in Sudan has kick-started the debate about the need for greater international attention to be paid to that country this year. Simon Tisdall’s briefing in today’s...

Jan 6 2010 3:28PM
Israel and futurology: is the UK government now claiming it can predict the future?

Reports that the attorney general Lady Scotland will effectively give the Israeli authorities an assurance that none of its leaders will ever face arrest in the UK are … troubling. On what basis are the UK authorities even promising...

Jan 5 2010 3:46PM
How Leonard Cohen helped a journalist through torture

There was a fascinating interview on Channel 4 News last night, as Jon Snow spoke to journalist Maziar Bahari about his three months of interrogation and torture in Iran’s Evin prison. Bahari described the bizarre behaviour of his...

Jan 4 2010 1:47PM
Yemen: new security alert, old human rights lessons

If the alleged would-be Detroit bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was indeed “trained” by al-Qai’da in Yemen it’s not exactly surprising that Yemen is now on everyone’s lips. But how to react? Closing embassies and talking about Yemen’s...
