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2008 (185)
Apr 15 2008 8:14PM
Seamus Heaney on human rights - you should read this...

Very, very rarely do I come across a piece of writing so powerful, so profound, so beautiful that it stops me in my tracks in awe and in need to read and re-read the words before me. It is a simultaneously humbling and uplifting...

Apr 15 2008 10:44AM
Age of Terror - a timely engagement with terrorism

Just a quick note to say look out this evening for the first programme in a new four-part series from journalist Peter Taylor. The programmes, looking at politically-inspired acts of violence over recent decades, start tonight on BBC2...

Apr 15 2008 12:38AM
In prison my whole life: Mumia Abu-Jamal and US criminal justice

Just back from chairing a panel discussion after the Belfast premiere screening of 'In Prison My Whole Life' as part of the Belfast Film Festival . The film is the story of young English-American journalist William Francome's journey...

Apr 11 2008 6:01PM
Steve Sinnott - a human rights tribute

Teachers' leader Steve Sinnott died last weekend. As leader and previously deputy general secretary of the NUT , he had close relations with its sister unions in Northern Ireland, the Ulster Teachers' Union and the Irish National...

Apr 10 2008 1:29PM
China boycotts the Olympic Games

I'm cheekily nicking both the headline and the link for this story from an email from my colleague John in Amnesty's Scotland office . Despite China's pleas to keep politics out of the Olympics, it looks like they have form. China...

Apr 6 2008 1:44PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #13 (Sunday round-up)

7:00am Up with the larks. Just enough time for a quick four-mile run around this parkland campus, before a healthy breakfast of bananas and organic stuff. Or something like that. 9:25am Milobal Cristobal of AI Hong Kong, Ville Forsman...

Apr 6 2008 11:41AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #12 (Amnesty Come Dancing)

9:30pm There are some thirsty souls gathered around the bar – six deep at some points. Parching work, this human rights. Aikta has promised / threatened us with an evening of elegant ballroom dancing. Sadly, looking around me at a...

Apr 5 2008 10:04PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #11 (The changing face of activism)

7:45pm The changing face of activism: Vuyiseka Dubula ( Treatment Action Campaign ) and Ben Brandzel ( / ). Chaired by Bruce Wylie (AIUK Head of Activism) Two very different perspectives on activism today, one from...

Apr 5 2008 8:43PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #10 (Restaurant review)

China, Papua, Burma, Russia. Never mind all that for a moment. Discussing food quality could possibly be the most dangerous thing I do this weekend, if happenings in the Northern Ireland courts are anything to go by. But, in the spirit...

Apr 5 2008 6:48PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #9 (Tiananmen campaign action)

This afternoon we campaigned for justice for the 'Tiananmen Mothers' , who lost their sons and daughters to the guns and tanks of the Chinese security forces on June 4 1989 and the days that followed. After the massacre, the mothers...

Apr 5 2008 4:14PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #8 (Sam Roddick)

2:25pm Sam Roddick is our keynote speaker for the weekend. Her mother Anita was a big friend of Amnesty and offered her ideas, her connections and her money to advance the cause of human rights worldwide. Sam is an activist in her own...

Apr 5 2008 1:20PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #7 (Working parties)

11:25am OK. Working Party time. For the uninitiated, this is when we break into four groups to have some initial debate and give some initial scrutiny to the various resolutions (seventeen or eighteen by my count) which have been...

Apr 5 2008 11:54AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #6 (International Council Meeting feedback)

10:36am Tim Hancock, Campaigns Director and Colum McAndrew, Board member gave us the inside track on what went on at last year's International Council Meeting, our biennial global congress, which decides big policy, elects our...

Apr 5 2008 11:32AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #5 (Treasurer's report)

10:10am We're solvent. Phew! (only joking – our financial position has remained strong for years). The Treasurer's report has the potential to rival the standing orders committee report in its mind-numbing tedium for the average...

Apr 5 2008 10:51AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #4 (Kate's speech)

9:22am I'm not being a crawler here, but Kate Allen has grown in stature and oratorical powers over the years since she became AIUK Director in 2000. I'm looking forward to hearing her speech. She opens up her annual address to the...

Apr 5 2008 10:20AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #3 (Setting the scene)

9:06 Alex Siddall is taking us through the welcomes and processes and sets a nice tone for the weekend ahead – good humoured, authoritative and respectful. AIUK Chair of the Board, Tom Hedley sets the scene. So will I. We're sitting in...

Apr 5 2008 9:57AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #2 (We're off!)

8:32am Okay. Ready? Well, I made it safely to the AGM (thanks for asking). Got to the Nottingham conference centre about quarter to nine last night – four hours door to door from the office in Belast, by car, plane, bus and coach. Not...

Apr 4 2008 5:31PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #1 (Preview)

OK, off to the airport in a minute to catch the flight that will take me to what will be the capital city of our human rights world for the next few days – yes, that's right, Nottingham! Well, with its most famous son (not counting...

Apr 3 2008 10:12PM
I have been to the mountaintop...

Martin Luther King Jr is a hero of mine. He had a belief in the dignity of man and made this real through his practice of nonviolence as a means of social change. Forty years ago today, he gave his "I have been to the mountaintop"...

Mar 29 2008 11:27PM
Civil rights at 40 anniversary programme

As previously blogged , the launch of a programme of events by the Civil Rights 1968 Commemoration Commmittee was held on Thursday evening in Belfast's Linenhall Library. The 2nd floor was thick with leaders and activists from 40 years...
