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June 2008 (8)
Jun 26 2008 11:20PM
The real disaster in Burma is the government

I agree that the real disaster in Burma is the government , to use a phrase I read on the Burma Campaign website where you can also view their short video featuring the voice of Ricky Gervais. A girl survives the cyclone but there are...

Jun 24 2008 1:34PM
Reaction of bloggers to news from Zimbabwe

Opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, has announced that he will not stand in the next round of the elections in Zimbabwe. He does not want to ask voters to support him and so risk injury or death. An article today on BBC News...

Jun 22 2008 12:34AM
How can they make it that cheaply?

A report in the Observer says that high street stores such as Primark are not being careful enough about the source of goods such as clothing. Primark has now sacked three of its suppliers after revelations by Panorama and the Observer...

Jun 18 2008 11:59PM
Ten shocking facts about modern slavery

See this list of ten shocking facts about slavery today . Shocking fact number one is that there are more people in slavery now than at any time in history. Update 8 July 2008: Foreign domestic workers in Saudi Arabia suffer severe...

Jun 18 2008 11:50PM
Did the USA hide detainees from the Red Cross?

Documents confirm that the government of the USA hid details of detainees from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), according to this article on McClatchy. Documents just released by a Senate committee quote a military...

Jun 13 2008 11:04PM
Powerful adverts from Amnesty in several countries

Have a look at these powerful adverts created by Amnesty International in several different countries.

Jun 3 2008 11:29PM
Miliband urged to say more about flights to Diego Garcia

Earlier this year Foreign Secretary David Miliband apologised to MPs and said that he had been misinformed when he said that extraordinary rendition flights had not landed on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, a British territory. He...

Jun 2 2008 10:52PM
Chinese migrant workers suffer

Chinese migrant workers in the UK suffer Lives in shadow , hidden away and at risk. The article is by Hsiao-Hung Pai, a journalist who was born in Taiwan and now lives in Britain. She writes for the Guardian , specialising in stories...