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2008 (63)
Mar 12 2008 11:02PM
Bob Dylan lyrics

I have been singing a Bob Dylan song again, Blowing in the Wind. It has some powerful questions about why some things that need to change take so long, such as: How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? How many...

Mar 9 2008 8:26PM
Olympics in Beijing

Prince Charles has announced that he will not be attending the Olympic Games in China. He did not state explicitly why he made this decision but is known to be a supporter of the Tibetan cause. Steven Spielberg says that his conscience...

Mar 9 2008 7:58PM
Europe versus the super-rich

An article by Sean O'Grady in the Independent, Europe versus the super-rich , looks at the EU's efforts to bring tax havens under control. Tax havens and centres of secretive banking such as Monaco and Switzerland are ideal for...
