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Sudan has held elections. The percentages can only be dreamed of by Brown, Cameron and Clegg as polls here in the UK show support for the three main parties almost evenly split. In the south of Sudan Salva Kiir took 92.99% of the vote...
More4 shows the fate of boys who are recruited as dancers in northern Afghanistan and then become victims of abuse. The film, The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan, is on More4 at 10 pm on Tuesday 20 April 2010.
Three Cups of Tea is the inspiring story of Greg Mortenson's project to provide education, especially for girls, in the remote parts of Pakistan. He was a mountaineer who tried to climb K2 and then arrived in a poor village where he...
Hustings are public meetings at which people can ask questions of the candidates in an election. Churches Together in Britain and Ireland offer on their website details of hustings meetings across the country as the general election...
I am surprised and delighted to find out from the Jubilee Debt Campaign that the bill to control vulture funds has gone through all its stages in the two houses of parliament, leaving just the formality of royal assent. I was doubtful...
Rory Carroll writes in the Observer about Guillermo Farinas, a journalist who is on hunger strike in Cuba . President Raul Castro took over from his brother who was ill and there was talk of easing political and economic restrictions...
At last the UK general election is set. I have just seen a survey on the internet about what would influence people in deciding how to vote. Would it be the leader of the party, the candidate, local issues, national issues, to keep a...
Unreported World goes to Nigeria to investigate the violence in the north of the country that has already claimed many lives. The film is on channel 4 at 7:30 pm on Friday 2 April 2010. Is it really a religious conflict or is it about...
Simon Singh, the science writer, has been allowed the defence of "fair comment" against being sued for libel. Singh had written about spinal manipulation given to children by chiropractors for illnesses such as colic, ear infections...
Lindsay Lohan visited India to investigate child traficking in a programme shown on BBC 3 on 1 April 2010. She discovered that sometimes parents hand their children to the trafickers and of course the answer for why they do so was...