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Sep 24 2008 12:18AM
Stay of execution!

Great news – at least, for now – fresh off the wires from Amnesty USA Blogs : "The Supreme Court of the United States has blocked the scheduled execution of Troy Davis! The Court issued an order staying the execution until Monday to...

Sep 22 2008 1:33AM
Will economic crisis lessen war?

Over the next couple of years there will be many personal tragedies triggered by the current global economic crisis: jobs lost in Halifax, Edinburgh and London are just the start. Yet could the financial crash have a silver lining...

Sep 19 2008 2:02AM
Zimbabwe's First and Deputy First Ministers

Zimbabwe's 'First and Deputy First Ministers' Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai seem about as comfortable in their power-sharing deal as our own current incumbents Robinson and McGuinness . The former face the mightier challenge by...

Sep 13 2008 11:20AM
Belfast child to end police Taser use?

As previewed on Belfast and Beyond ( Tasers: shocks and secrets ) some weeks ago, a Belfast child has applied for and yesterday won the right to challenge the PSNI's decision to start using Tasers. If successful, the child's court...

Sep 10 2008 11:52PM
Death of a journalist

The arrest on Tuesday of five people by police investigating the murder of Sunday World journalist Martin O'Hagan in Lurgan seven years ago reminds us that no-one has yet been brought to justice for this crime (sadly, just like so many...

Sep 10 2008 12:33PM
Last Man Hanging: Newsletter debate

When I was asked to write a short 300 word piece for the Newsletter on the Death Penalty, ( see below) I didn't know that my opponent would be no less that Ian Junior . Now I am used to be called a "wishy washy liberal", in fact I am...

Sep 8 2008 2:37AM
Last Man Hanging

On telly tonight in Northern Ireland: Last Man Hanging (BBC 1 NI) 9pm I mentioned this case in a blog about the death penalty last November and here is the chance to review it on the small screen. From the BBC's blurb: "In 1961 Newry...

Sep 7 2008 11:57PM
Arms: Northern Ireland's import-export business

At the risk of coming across as Forrest Gump with bad timing (see previous post: ( 'One night (not) in Bangkok' ), last Tuesday I sort of stumbled across the Belfast end of an international arms bust. As I passed the Europa Hotel, I...

Sep 7 2008 11:43AM
One night (not) in Bangkok

I can't remember exactly who told us the news. Maybe the manager of the backpackers' hostel in Perth, where we were spending our last night in Australia before heading to Bangkok. It was to be the final leg of our year-long post...

Aug 31 2008 1:22PM
Dealing with the past: postponed until further notice

Looks like the Observer's Henry McDonald has been hearing the same rumours around Belfast as I have – namely, that the report by the Eames-Bradley Consultative Group on the Past is to be postponed (yet again) until the end of the year...

Aug 28 2008 5:11PM
I have a dream (45 years on, still unfulfilled)

Today is the 45th anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr.'s " I Have A Dream " speech , delivered to a crowd of more than 250,000 people from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. It is undoubtedly one of the finest...

Aug 27 2008 9:37PM
Mary Robinson: human rights hero

Mary Robinson, former President of the Republic of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ( wiki biography here ) received an enthusiastic tribute from columnist Susan McKay in the pages of today's Irish News ( And...

Aug 27 2008 1:05AM
From Beijing to Denver: guarding the Party

If the Chinese government provided a masterclass in how to prevent unwelcome protests at the Beijing Olympics, it looks like the Denver authorities may have been paying attention in time for this week's Democratic Party National...

Aug 26 2008 10:37PM
Torture allegations return to haunt legal process

"300 Irish republican ex-prisoners are to attempt to have their convictions overturned" according to Henry McDonald in a story in yesterday's Guardian and repeated extensively elsewhere ( Daily Telegraph for instance) today. According...

Aug 23 2008 1:40AM
Martin McGuinness: next stop Philippines?

He may not even know it himself yet, but Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness may soon be on a plane to the Philippines as the latest stop in his blossoming ( and occasionally satirised ) career as one of the world...

Aug 22 2008 10:24PM
Tasers: shocks and secrets

As the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) deliver their first Taser shock , it's been announced that an application has been made for a judicial review into the decision-making process which led to the deployment of the...

Aug 22 2008 11:42AM
Sandard Operating Procedure Mark 2

Standard Operating Procedure William Crawley wrote a very comprehensive analysis of Standard Operating Procedure on his blog Will and Testament , and many of these themes were discussed on last Sunday’s Sunday Sequence . But I will add...

Aug 20 2008 9:53PM
Standard Operating Procedure

My colleague Fionna is far to modest to blog it herself, but she was a guest on BBC Radio Ulster's Sunday Sequence programme a couple of days ago to discuss new film, Standard Operating Procedure, which deals with the torture meted out...

Aug 19 2008 8:49PM
UN criticises UK human rights record

Benjamin Zephaniah, the Rastafarian dub poet, was recently talking on Radio 4 about the focus on China's human rights record during the Olympics. The gist of what Zephaniah said was: how would the UK react when London holds the...

Aug 16 2008 12:28AM
Omagh remembered: still no justice

I am too young to remember where I was when I heard Kennedy was shot, but I will never forget the growing horror with which I listened to the car radio ten years ago today as I headed south on holidays with Rachel, my then girlfriend...
