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Jan 21 2008 11:39AM
Popular support growing for Northern Ireland Bill of Rights

A public opinion survey from campaign coalition, the Human Rights Consortium , indicates that support for a Northern Ireland Bill of Rights is growing.According to the survey , conducted by independent market researchers Millward Brown...

Jan 10 2008 10:14AM
Chris Sidoti on why NI needs a Bill of Rights

There's been some criticism lately (most notably from the Church of Ireland Gazette ) of the need for a Bill of Rights. So it's good to see Chris Sidoti , independent Chair of the Northern Ireland Bill of Rights Forum, setting out the...

Jan 8 2008 8:19PM
Omagh investigation debacle: where's the police accountability?

Despite my earlier thoughts that Sir Ronnie Flanagan's days as head of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary could be numbered, now it looks like he can stay on as long as he likes, despite the Omagh bombing investigation debacle...

Jan 8 2008 11:07AM
How to protest Guantanamo Bay?

I must admit that my gut reaction was one of discomfort: would we manifest our solidarity with the victims of CIA waterboarding with a parody of this torture in a Belfast swimming pool? I think my unease comes down to this. The...

Jan 7 2008 9:23PM
A victory, of sorts, for justice

Well done and thank you to all Amnesty's members and supporters locally, who have helped through the years to keep up the pressure in the case of Scot, Kenny Richey, who has just been released from death row in Ohio after 21 years in...

Dec 21 2007 11:35AM
No justice for the victims of Omagh bombing

Sir Ronnie Flanagan, former Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (and, subsequently, the Police Service of Northern Ireland) infamously once declared that he "would publicly commit suicide" if he believed the findings...

Dec 19 2007 8:45PM
Bill of Rights campaign goes online

The Human Rights Consortium launched its new website today, just in time for a crucial twelve months in the long-running campaign for a Northern Ireland Bill of Rights. I spoke briefly at the launch event for the new site at...

Dec 17 2007 12:46PM
Person of the Year 2007

Who's your human rights Person of the Year 2007? Kate Allen (Director of AIUK) successfully nominated Anas el-Banna for the New Statesman version of the Person of the Year 2007 award. Anas is a truly heroic 11 year-old boy who has just...

Dec 13 2007 6:08PM
Whose liberties?

Human rights lawyer, John Fitzpatrick, gave an inspiring talk on 11 December 2007 at Belfast Exposed Photography . : Taking Liberties? Immigration Policy and the Law. The gallery, as Patrick advertised in his recent post on this blog...

Dec 11 2007 8:37AM
Tasers: what the lawyers told the Chief Constable

I previously reported how PSNI Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde had decided to ignore the advice of the Equality Commission to conduct a proper equality impact assessment before deploying Tasers in Northern Ireland. This followed his...

Dec 6 2007 1:21PM
Taking Liberties: Immigration Policy and the Law

Local photography gallery and community initiative, Belfast Exposed, has a great looking event happening next Tuesday 11 December, when they welcome "human rights lawyer John Fitzpatrick to a public discussion in the gallery to talk...

Nov 29 2007 2:24PM
We wont sell to Iran and Syria local military supplier outlines own export controls!

I visited our friends ( ahem ) at Global Armour , at their plant near Lisburn on Tuesday. The Northern Ireland company, which used to be called Highmark, was taken over a couple of years ago by the South African company, Global Armour...

Nov 29 2007 9:00AM
Northern Ireland hanged a prisoner for the last time in 1961...

The tide of history is flowing fast against the death penalty and this UN resolution is a big step forward. So far, 133 countries have abolished the death penalty in law or practice. Only 25 countries actually carried out executions in...

Nov 15 2007 5:37PM
PSNI to ignore Equality Commission advice on Taser pilot

Thanks to a Freedom of Information inquiry from our friends at the Children's Law Centre, we can now see the very clear advice given by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland to the PSNI on the Chief Constable's proposed...

Nov 8 2007 11:37AM
Human rights - divide and rule in NI

Our colleagues at CAJ (Committee on the Administration of Justice) present their own take on that Assembly debate where a number of MLAs chose to attack voluntary sector groups and human rights campaigners. CAJ's tempered but robust...

Oct 24 2007 9:50PM
Burmese PM-in-exile in Belfast demands arms export controls

A busy day beckons tomorrow (Thursday) as the Burmese PM-in-exile, Dr Sein Win , arrives in town, with Amnesty as hosts. As well as a meeting with OFMDFM at Stormont Castle, there are party group meetings at the Assembly with...

Oct 17 2007 10:46PM
The Bill of Rights just got interesting

The Bill of Rights debate just got interesting this last week ... or at least a lot more people seemed to start to take an interest now that, at last, the hitherto slow pace of progress is quickening. First up was professional cynic...

Oct 10 2007 10:41AM
Tasers - Chief Constable does about turn

Despite his commitment - only days ago - not to proceed with deployment of Tasers until human rights and equality concerns were met, Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde has now done an about-turn and aims to pilot the devices regardless. The...

Aug 8 2007 6:42PM
Tiananmen hero bound for Belfast

Great news today that Shao Jiang, one of the student organisers of the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests, is bound for Belfast, to speak at an Amnesty conference next month. Shao spent years in prison in China for his human...

Jul 11 2007 11:58PM
The law cannot make a man love me, but...

It's the Eleventh Night, as it's known in Northern Ireland, the eve of the Twelfth of July when members and supporters of the Orange Order march to celebrate the victory of King William's forces over those of King James at the Battle...
