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Amnesty International UK
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Jul 16 2009 3:58AM
Breaking the Silence on War Crimes.

When yesterdays report by Israeli NGO " Breaking the Silence " was released it was another report confirming the findings of the Amnesty report "Operation Cast Lead 22 Days of Death and Destruction." Both reports found a...

Jul 14 2009 5:08PM
Omagh: the cover-up continues?

This blog has previously noted the suspicious shadow cast over intelligence about the Omagh bombing. There is little doubt who caused the death of 29 people and two unborn children – the 'dissident' republican paramilitary group known...

Jul 14 2009 6:23AM
Immigration Minister's woeful reply to policy criticisms

The Immigration Minister’s failure to engage with genuine criticisms of new immigration controls betrays his appeasement of the far right minority and constitutes a failure for freedom of expression, cultural association and freedom of...

Jul 10 2009 7:23AM
Hi-tech advert challenges domestic violence

Amnesty International is using the latest in advertising technology to challenge the scourge of domestic violence. This Amnesty bus stop advertisement, recently erected in Hamburg, changes whether or not someone's looking at it. Using...

Jul 7 2009 2:27PM
Huge payout as police suspend Taser use

Will the outgoing Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde leave a multi-million pound, Taser-sized headache behind for his successor and the NI Policing Board? That could be the prospect facing the new PSNI chief following the settlement of a...

Jul 6 2009 8:20AM
Moonwalk this: rockets or rickets?

There was a fascinating footnote to last night's BBC4 programme, Man on the Moon , which told the story of the US space programme and the billions spent to put a man on the moon before the Soviets. On the eve of the Apollo 11 mission...

Jul 1 2009 9:08AM
Public support soars for NI Bill of Rights

A whopping 83% of people in Northern Ireland now think that a Bill of Rights is important for the region. That's the finding of a survey published today by the Human Rights Consortium , a campaign coalition which Amnesty International...

Jul 1 2009 2:05AM
Israeli Navy rams peace boat: NI Nobel laureate seized

My old friend, former colleague and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire was among the peace and justice activists aboard a Greek cargo ship intercepted, rammed and boarded by the Israeli navy yesterday. The Amnesty office in...

Jun 29 2009 4:53AM
Flying the (rainbow) flag for equality

Conall (who's been providing plenty of food for thought recently on Belfast and Beyond ) notes that the Belfast, unlike Dublin, does not yet fly rainbow flags to mark the city's Gay Pride. But the numbers participating in the Belfast...

Jun 28 2009 5:19PM
Friends of America

I see that over on oconallstreet public affairs specialist Conall McDevitt is suggesting it’s time for Northern Ireland to mature its relationship with the United States. I’m all for that. For too long, Northern Ireland has played the...

Jun 22 2009 7:39PM
Should human rights be at the heart of policing?

I read with amusement today that Sir Hugh Orde , who is to take over as the new ACPO chief ,wants to out human rights at the heart of policing in the UK. So far so good and if you read the piece he certainly makes all the right noises...

Jun 21 2009 2:47PM
Shockwaves:  Romanians in Belfast

The recent racist attacks against migrant workers have turned my stomach. But two things have shocked me more than the attacks themselves. The first shock was the police tactics in dealing with this crisis. The Romanians have...

Jun 17 2009 5:51PM
Refugees, our neighbours

I wrote this opinion piece a couple of days ago and it was published today in the Belfast Telegraph under the headline, ' Refugees face more hardship than most of us could endure' . It's not in the online edition, so am reproducing...

Jun 12 2009 1:11PM

NEW IMMIGRATION DETENTION EMERGENCY HELPLINE The Refugee Action Group (RAG) is pleased to announce the launch of its out-of-hours Immigration Detention Emergency Helpline which goes live on 15 June 2009. RAG aims to be an independent...

Jun 11 2009 1:02AM
N Ireland politician and journalist face jail prospect

A politician and a journalist in Northern Ireland are today both facing the prospect of jail for refusing to disclose sources to the authorities. The politician, Ian Paisley Jr, was yesterday served with papers to appear in Belfast’s...

Jun 8 2009 1:59PM
Justice for Omagh? Not quite.

UPDATE (1:20pm): The decision of the Court has just been announced and four of the five people at the centre of the case have been found 'liable' for the bombing. This will go down as a landmark case. This blog has repeatedly visited...

Jun 5 2009 4:32PM
Truth versus justice

I have previously suggested that the most effective way for a post-conflict society to move towards long-term peace, stability and reconciliation is to confront and interrogate the past and maximise the scope for justice. Yet what if...

Jun 1 2009 1:45AM
Election poster semiotics

Over on Slugger O'Toole (the anorak's favourite blog) there has already been some analysis of the Northern Ireland Euro election candidates’ party election broadcasts and household-drop leaflets . Being something of an election nerd...

May 27 2009 1:23PM
UN backs Northern Ireland Bill of Rights

The United Nations has backed Northern Ireland proposals for a Bill of Rights. "The Committee notes the draft Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland, which includes economic, social and cultural rights which are justiciable and calls for...

May 22 2009 12:38PM
Northern Ireland Bill of Rights: let the people have their say

I previously blogged about Shaun 'Seven Houses' Woodward – the ‘butler-toting’ , Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, potentially seeking to deny the inclusion of basic housing rights and other economic rights protections in a NI...
