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2008 (82)
Apr 22 2008 1:58AM
Waterboarding: is it a slam dunk?

If youre a US talk radio host and youve got the vice-president on your station, youre going to put a few listeners questions to him, right? Right. Well thats what Scott Hennen did on station WDAY in Fargo, North Dakota, back in October...

Apr 17 2008 7:26PM
Trust me, I'm an executioner

Phew, thats ok then! Death penalty states in American can now go back to executing people with lethal injections. The Supreme Court has ruled that there is nothing unconstitutional about these killings and that the state of Kentucky...

Apr 15 2008 2:40PM
Cheating the hangman

Do you remember the scene in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly* when Clint Eastwood shoots down his Mexican partner just at the moment the hangmans noose tightens around his neck? Clints the sharpshooter, and the two are working a scheme...

Apr 9 2008 1:50PM
And staying with Niger

Is it NIger (stress on the beginning)? Or is it NigER (long stress on the end)? A whole country and I’m not sure how to pronounce it. And neither, I’ve noticed, do British news-readers when (rarely) they have a news report from there...

Apr 3 2008 2:16PM
Reclaiming 'honour'

The sickening death of Banaz Mahmod is widely covered today. This, you’ll remember, is the case of the young Kurdish woman who was killed by members of her family in London for the “crime” of having a lover her family didn’t approve of...

Mar 27 2008 1:45PM
Still Human, Still Here

"Shameful”, “inhumane”, “oppressive”, “indefensible”, “adversarial”, “wholly unjustified”, a “blemish” on Britain’s reputation, and treatment that falls "seriously below the standards to be expected of a humane and civilised society”...

Mar 20 2008 5:11PM
Iraq: five years and counting

It’s an old media trick (and Rageh Omaar’s already done it on ITV earlier this week ), but it works – so today I’m starting off with ‘Iraq In Numbers’. To quote Amnesty’s (well-titled) ‘Carnage and despair’ report, the figures tell a...

Mar 19 2008 2:17PM
Spilt ink, spilt blood: Iraq five years on

I was thinking about this the other day – surely Iraq has been the most reported-on war in the entire history of the world. Well, ok, the Second World War got a lot of coverage (books, television programmes) but my theory is that it...

Mar 10 2008 1:49PM
A stain that water will not wash off

Waterboarding and other “enhanced” interrogation techniques have been saved! On Saturday – in a move anticipated and feared by many observers – outgoing US President George W Bush bravely stepped in to preserve the CIA’s right to use...

Mar 6 2008 2:42PM
Jailbreak (not the Thin Lizzy classic)

Wheres the biggest prison in the world? China? The USA? Russia? No? Any other thoughts? Okay, its a trick question (of a kind), because effectively the worlds biggest prison is the entire Gaza Strip, the Palestinian territory occupied...

Mar 5 2008 7:35PM
Bum note / bad deal  

This blog is from our very own Bibi, who asked me to post it, so... ...another week in the media, and another week with China under the international spotlight in the lead-up to the Games. Now China has reportedly increased its...

Mar 3 2008 2:17PM
Not smiling for the camera

We dont always say enough about photos in journalism in this blog - so today I will! First of all, the Guardians got an appalling one on its front page . Its of a massive crowd in Gaza carrying the dead body of a 21-month-old girl...

Feb 25 2008 1:35PM
Russian Judo, YouTube and cats at risk in Beijing

Hes a judo black belt and likes to be photographed doing manly things like shooting and fishing, but has outgoing Russian president Vladimir Putin been a force for good? In a big BBC World Service opinion poll out today opinions are...

Feb 20 2008 5:37PM
China: is it taking the Mickey?

Whatever you think of Steven Spielberg - and I think some of his films are great! - you certainly cant keep China, the Olympics and human rights out of the news now. The latest case to come under the spotlight is Yang Chunlin, a former...

Feb 15 2008 1:06PM
A higher authority?

After the flare-up over Sharia law in the UK, the Church of Englands back in the news after a Synod debate yesterday on terrorism, security and human rights. Passing a motion by a whopping majority of 235 votes to two, the churchmen...

Feb 13 2008 3:16PM
Steven Spielberg and the Olympics of Doom

So the director of Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and my personal favourite) Duel, has made headlines by saying he would not take up his role as the Beijing Olympics artistic director . Steven Spielbergs decision, backed by another...

Feb 12 2008 2:06PM
The Guantanamo travesty, vol 231

Just how far does the United States think it can go with its sham justice process at Guantánamo? After six years and massive criticism for holding hundreds of prisoners in illegal detention, the US is now compounding its mistakes by...

Feb 6 2008 2:05PM
The stuff of life?

With Super Tuesday mania spilling into Wednesday a big US story has snuck out over CIA chief Michael Hayden admitting for the first time that Americas intelligence officials have been waterboarding prisoners held in the war on terror...

Jan 23 2008 1:54PM
'It's just a domestic ...'

The police are definitely in the news today! I dont know about more bobbies on the beat, but theres definitely quite a lot of the boys and girls in blue on their give us more pay demo: over 18,000 theyre saying . Cant resist repeating...

Jan 17 2008 1:13PM
Stop the violence, cure the sick

Stop the violence, cure the sick. Well its an aspiration. Tragically, for the last 24 hours theres been media report after media report of terrible violence in several spots around the globe - from Sri Lanka (mentioned in yesterdays...
