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2008 (145)
Jul 10 2008 1:00AM
'No-one gives a damn about civil liberties

Bob Marshall-Andrews, QC and rebel Labour MP, has joined the campaign to elect David Davis in todays Haltemprice and Howden by-election as a means of defending UK domestic human rights. Writing in the Yorkshire Post , he takes a tilt...

Jul 9 2008 10:22AM
42 days sentenced by Lords

That's the verdict given by long-time Westminster-watcher Brian Walker over at Slugger O'Toole , full of choice quotes from the good Lords, but rounded off with this assessment from Walker: "It’s very hard to see how 42 days can...

Jul 8 2008 10:22PM
Advertising rights

I came across a fine bit of creative campaigning and locally targetted advertising by pressure group Unlock Democracy (successor of Charter 88). They have taken out wraparound advertising in two local freesheets, East Riding Advertiser...

Jul 8 2008 6:25PM
US tries to dodge cluster bomb ban

In Dublin in May, 111 countries agreed to ban cluster bombs. The United States didn't show up for the conference and, according to a report in The Guardian, has now published its response: to reduce the number of unexploded bomblets...

Jul 7 2008 2:58PM
Will Lords restore Northern Ireland's reputation at Westminster?

Will Northern Ireland's (non-DUP) Lords help restore Northern Ireland's Westminster reputation when the Government's counter-terrorism Bill comes to the upper house tomorrow? When the government won the vote at the Bill's first reading...

Jul 5 2008 8:20PM
UN checks on Northern Ireland Bill of Rights progress

The two-day conference staged by the Human Rights Consortium in Belfast last week was a confident assertion of the continued determination of Northern Ireland civil society to secure a Bill of Rights worthy of the name. The current...

Jul 4 2008 4:24PM
Who will be the next UN Human Rights Commissioner?

Could Northern Ireland-educated Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International, be the next UN High Commissioner for Human Rights ? She certainly seems to be in the running for the world's top human rights job, according to a...

Jun 27 2008 10:40AM
Zimbabwe votes. Northern Ireland arms.

The electorate of Zimbabwe go to the polls today in a presidential election run-off which is two parts tragedy to one part farce. The Queen has stripped Robert Mugabe of his knighthood. Nelson Mandela has condemned the Zimbabwean...

Jun 22 2008 12:01PM
UK arms deals rocket

Official figures just published show that the UK became the world's largest arms dealer last year, thanks to a host of export orders agreed with notorious human rights abusing regimes, like Saudi Arabia, Israel and Russia. The UK...

Jun 8 2008 1:16AM
You Are Now Entering Free China

Well done to the Foyle Amnesty International Group for their unveiling this week of a terrific new Human Rights for China campaign painted billboard at 'Free Derry corner', directly behind the city's most famous mural . As the Derry...

Jun 6 2008 1:04PM
'Hi, I'm Bob from Air Force One'

President Bush's advance guard has arrived in Belfast in the shape of various security agents and other recce merchants ahead of his announced visit here. The folks in dark glasses who talk into their shirt cuffs have been spotted...

Jun 6 2008 2:23AM
Belfast Chinese back Amnesty campaign

I talked to a Hong Kong Chinese couple who have made their home in Northern Ireland on Wednesday. The conversation took place in Belfast city centre where I was with Amnesty supporters to mark the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square...

May 30 2008 1:50AM
Northern Ireland: 'It must never happen again'

While Northern Ireland's Consultative Group on the Past won’t be publishing their report till the summer, yesterday it’s co-chairs, Archbishop Robin Eames and Denis Bradley, set out to trail their findings with a joint keynote speech...

May 27 2008 9:57PM
Bush in Belfast: join the protest

President George Bush will be honouring Belfast with a flying visit next month. The BBC reports that "it is understood that Mr Bush wants to put his seal of approval on devolution." No doubt the President would like to claim a bit of...

May 23 2008 2:00AM
What b0llix got Number 1? Let me guess Bono

Meant to blog this before now, but was reminded to do so yesterday as I witnessed former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern being awarded an honorary doctorate in law by Queen's University Belfast. Tony Blair got one too (by video!), as a tribute...

May 23 2008 12:56AM
Gore Vidal: in his own words #2

"Do you know they got rid off the Magna Carta, about six months ago?" – Gore Vidal. I previously blogged on the inestimable Gore Vidal and quoted some of his famous words from down the years. C4 News' Jon Snow interviewed the writer...

May 19 2008 10:57PM
Bobby Sands: hero, villain or other?

I really hate it when people who have not seen a film or play take it upon themelves to comment publicly on it – usually to criticise it in a Mary Whitehouse-style way, slamming the producers and urging others not to see it either. So...

May 19 2008 10:53AM
Gore Vidal: in his own words

That brilliant American man of letters, Gore Vidal , was featured on the South Bank Show last night. Melvyn Bragg had secured an interview with the great man in his new LA home, after decades of self-imposed exile in Italy. I have...

May 16 2008 10:56AM
Earl Wesley Berry will die on May 21

What are you doing next Wednesday? Earl Wesley Berry will die. Almost certainly. He is scheduled to be executed in Mississippi on May 21 for the murder of Mary Bounds. So Brian, over at the ever-improving Amnesty USA blogs , tells us...

May 15 2008 4:09PM
New mural in Belfast as Palestinians mark 'the catastrophe'

As mentioned yesterday , Israelis are celebrating 60 years since the foundation of their State. Meanwhile, Palestinians have been marking 60 years of 'al Nakba', the catastrophe. The Guardian has a short article here and a good photo...
