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School of the Americas and terrible actions in Colombia

The School of the Americas needs to be shut down before it causes one more death or other serious abuse of human rights in Latin America.  President Obama came in with radical ideas and powerful speeches and I must admit that I was optimistic at the time but where has been the action to deal with the School of the Americas?

Michelle Obama recently sent me a message asking if I would sign a birthday greeting to her husband but I decided to wait until he has done a few things.   

In some ways Obama is no better than Bush.  In July 2010 the Obama administration brought in a decision to keep details secret about the names of those who teach at the School of the Americas or attend courses there.  Previously the organisation SOA Watch has been able to compile data on names and relate it to reports of abuses in Latin America.  SOA Watch links to a detailed report from the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the U.S. Office on Colombia and describes how the School is implicated in extra-judicial killings and other crimes in Colombia.   

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