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Sep 26 2008 4:21PM
Political theatre

Young people under the age of 26 are to be given theatre tickets in a new government initiative and taxpayers will be paying £2.5 million. Will that be money well spent? Will the young people want to go to the theatre and if they do...

Sep 26 2008 4:16PM
Tibetan film makers

Two Tibetans have made a film Leaving Fear Behind including interviews with more than 100 Tibetans. They asked people for their views on the Dalai Lama, the Olympics in Beijing and the presence of the Chinese in Tibet. The two film...

Sep 25 2008 12:10AM
Why do people hate America?

A book that I am reading is Why do People Hate America? written by Ziauddin Sardar & Merryl Wyn Davies. So why do people hate America? George W Bush had a go at answering the question. "They hate our freedoms" he said but of course he...

Sep 22 2008 11:37AM
Radical bookshops

Grassroots Bookshop in Manchester was one that I really liked and over the years I have been to radical bookshops in other cities, such as Leicester, Bristol and London. Grassroots Bookshop of Manchester is no more, I understand. Human...

Sep 18 2008 1:52PM
We shall overcome, some day

We Shall Overcome became the anthem of the civil rights movement in the USA. The song was popularised by Pete Seeger and Joan Baez as well as by many other singers. Recently I have listened to the song on a CD by the Harlem Gospel...

Sep 10 2008 11:20PM
Music again and a Protestzanger!

A singer I have liked for years is June Tabor and she is doing a concert in Gent, Belgium on 10 Nov. 2008 with Huw Warren and Mark Emerson. The concert is to mark four important anniversaries including 90 years since the 1918 Armistice...

Aug 25 2008 10:37AM
More songs to inspire and inform

I am a musician and I love listening to music as well as playing it. Regular readers of my blog may remember that I like to mention songs that inspire or inform and support the human rights movement. I have been at a music festival for...

Jul 30 2008 9:24AM
BAE and Serious Fraud Office - the latest

I have the view that the Serious Fraud Office should investigate allegations of serious fraud – the clue to what they should be doing is in the name of the organisation! The government appealed against the legal ruling that the Serious...

Jul 27 2008 11:13PM
Film: Johnny Mad Dog

A film called Johnny Mad Dog is set to create an unusual level of authenticity by using Liberian children who have been soldiers. Update, October 2009: See this review of the film from the Guardian.

Jul 27 2008 10:44PM
Writing letters and more

I went on a walk the other day and was talking to a young woman who has views that should make her an Amnesty supporter. However, she said that she had fallen out with the organisation, partly over the policy on abortion and partly...

Jul 16 2008 11:54PM
Control Arms - re-launched website

Control Arms is a campaign run by organisations including Amnesty International. They have just re-launched the website. One of the ways you can contribute is to ask your MP to sign a declaration of support for an effective arms treaty...

Jul 3 2008 1:41AM
Colombia: Blood on Britain's Hands

Colombia: Blood on Britain's Hands is the title of a recent article on the Upside Down World website by Jeremy Dear. Update, Nov. 2008: Amnesty has a news item on Colombia: One step forward, many to go . Sacking 25 members of the...

Jul 3 2008 1:04AM
Give me hope, Joanna: music against apartheid

I was pleased to see some political singing in the concert to celebrate Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday. Entertainment is fine but why not put a political edge on it as well? Eddy Grant sang his song, Give Me Hope, Joanna , which comes...

Jun 26 2008 11:20PM
The real disaster in Burma is the government

I agree that the real disaster in Burma is the government , to use a phrase I read on the Burma Campaign website where you can also view their short video featuring the voice of Ricky Gervais. A girl survives the cyclone but there are...

Jun 24 2008 1:34PM
Reaction of bloggers to news from Zimbabwe

Opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, has announced that he will not stand in the next round of the elections in Zimbabwe. He does not want to ask voters to support him and so risk injury or death. An article today on BBC News...

Jun 22 2008 12:34AM
How can they make it that cheaply?

A report in the Observer says that high street stores such as Primark are not being careful enough about the source of goods such as clothing. Primark has now sacked three of its suppliers after revelations by Panorama and the Observer...

Jun 18 2008 11:59PM
Ten shocking facts about modern slavery

See this list of ten shocking facts about slavery today . Shocking fact number one is that there are more people in slavery now than at any time in history. Update 8 July 2008: Foreign domestic workers in Saudi Arabia suffer severe...

Jun 18 2008 11:50PM
Did the USA hide detainees from the Red Cross?

Documents confirm that the government of the USA hid details of detainees from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), according to this article on McClatchy. Documents just released by a Senate committee quote a military...

Jun 13 2008 11:04PM
Powerful adverts from Amnesty in several countries

Have a look at these powerful adverts created by Amnesty International in several different countries.

Jun 3 2008 11:29PM
Miliband urged to say more about flights to Diego Garcia

Earlier this year Foreign Secretary David Miliband apologised to MPs and said that he had been misinformed when he said that extraordinary rendition flights had not landed on Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, a British territory. He...
