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Mar 26 2008 11:51AM
Iraq War five years on

Anniversaries are a time for taking stock. Five years into the Iraq War there has been a great deal of comment. Seamas Milne in the Guardian wrote: "Most Iraqis believe the presence of foreign troops is the main cause of violence and...

Mar 25 2008 4:56PM
An insight into the Chinese leadership?

The Tiananmen Papers is a book that claims to reveal some of the policy debates in the leadership of China at the time of the protests by students leading up to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Its authenticity has been questioned. If it...

Mar 24 2008 1:09PM
Tom Lehrer, songwriter and satirist

If you think of protest songs then you may think back to the 1960s. Here is a link to a Wikipedia entry on Tom Lehrer . He had retired from touring by the early 60s and was then songwriter for the American version of "That was the Week...

Mar 24 2008 12:53PM
The journey of the Olympic torch

The Olympic torch has been lit in Olympia in Greece and the flame will be carried through many countries on five continents before the Olympics begin in Beijing in August. Protesters were there as they will be along many parts of the...

Mar 16 2008 8:49PM
Protests in Tibet

I was listening to BBC World Service during the night when I could not sleep – one of headlines was about violent protest in Tibet with at least ten people killed. Ten was the number according to the Chinese government news agency but...

Mar 12 2008 11:02PM
Bob Dylan lyrics

I have been singing a Bob Dylan song again, Blowing in the Wind. It has some powerful questions about why some things that need to change take so long, such as: How many ears must one man have before he can hear people cry? How many...

Mar 9 2008 8:26PM
Olympics in Beijing

Prince Charles has announced that he will not be attending the Olympic Games in China. He did not state explicitly why he made this decision but is known to be a supporter of the Tibetan cause. Steven Spielberg says that his conscience...

Mar 9 2008 7:58PM
Europe versus the super-rich

An article by Sean O'Grady in the Independent, Europe versus the super-rich , looks at the EU's efforts to bring tax havens under control. Tax havens and centres of secretive banking such as Monaco and Switzerland are ideal for...

Dec 26 2007 3:00PM
Leaders above the law and corruption

It has been alleged that President Vladimir Putin of Russia has a secret fortune of £20 billion. It is not that easy to see why a person would need that much money but easy to see how a state could benefit its people with such an...

Dec 18 2007 10:49PM
Remembering a massacre a century ago

Two things I have written about before in my blog – remembering history and using songs to send a political message. These come together in a report about a massacre that happened in Chile almost exactly a century ago. Daniela Estrada...

Dec 18 2007 10:47PM
What about Darfur?

Of course I am glad to hear that Gillian Gibbons, the teacher who was imprisoned for the name given to a teddy bear, is on her way back home to Liverpool. It seems that when two Moslem parliamentarians from the UK negotiated with the...

Nov 26 2007 11:49AM
School of the Americas

If you run an educational centre it is good to be able to point to the achievements of former students. Awkward if you have produced notorious dictators such as Noriega of Panama as well as those responsible for massacres of hundreds...

Oct 31 2007 2:50PM
Blogging for Amnesty: how, why.

I have been blogging here since June 2006. I decided to start the blog because I like to write and share my opinions in support of Amnesty International. I like the idea of using the internet to keep up with events and respond quickly...

Oct 31 2007 2:47PM
Child labour in cotton fields

Yesterday's Newsnight programme on BBC television had a report filmed undercover in Uzbekistan. The report showed that schools are closed and children taken by coach to the fields to pick cotton. Most of the cotton is exported and ends...

Oct 29 2007 8:44PM
Lawyers' Association concerned about death penalty

A Report from the American Bar Association describes shortcomings of procedures for the death penalty in eight states.

Oct 28 2007 12:16AM
Iraq's Descent into Chaos

No Plan, No Peace: The Inside Story of Iraq's Descent into Chaos is on BBC1 television on at 10:15 pm on Sunday 28 October and even later at 10:45 pm the following evening. I will be watching this series with interest. I have also been...

Oct 16 2007 11:03PM
How to spend $460 557 600 000

Just have another look at that amount and realise how gigantic it is. It is the cost so far of war in Iraq to the taxpayers of the United States. Or rather it was but the figure is already out of date as I write this. It is climbing by...

Oct 16 2007 10:36PM
"Rendition" coming to the cinemas

I am keen to see the film Rendition although I have not yet found out when it will be shown in Shropshire. I looked at the website of the film and although it is rather flashy and artistic rather than easy and quick to navigate I did...

Sep 30 2007 10:39PM
The world watches Burma

The government in Burma has come down ruthlessly against the peaceful protests by Buddhist monks and others. Burma is very much in the headlines and the world is watching to see if the so-called State Peace and Development Council can...

Sep 26 2007 11:40PM
Dalai Lama honoured

The Dalai Lama is to be honoured with a Congressional Gold Medal in the United States. Previous recipients of the Gold Medals have included Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Mother Teresa. "The award is in recognition...
