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Dec 10 2013 4:40PM
Kalpana Chakma – Lost but not forgotten in Bangladesh

When I was 23 I had just left University. I lived at home with my mum and dad, had a job in a little shop near my home and when I wasn’t working I spent time with friends. I had little to no interest in activism, and really, why would...

Dec 3 2013 10:05PM
Maher's story - a boy trapped in the siege of Daraya

The following is a first-hand account with an 11 year old resident of Daraya in Syria. Daraya has been under siege for the past year by the Syrian government. “My name is Maher (11). I am from besieged Daraya. I have been here under...

Nov 30 2013 7:17PM
Has the Palestinian Authority abandoned victims and their quest for accountability?

One year ago, the UN General Assembly voted to recognize Palestinian statehood . In the year since then, the Palestinian leadership has taken no statesmanlike steps. It has not signed any UN treaties that would protect human rights, or...

Nov 29 2013 11:20AM
Zimbabwe: good news comes in threes

They say good news comes in threes, so I wanted to share just that with you from our friends in Zimbabwe. Human rights lawyer acquitted On Wednesday, Beatrice Mtetwa was found not guilty of ‘obstructing the course of justice’...

Nov 27 2013 12:00PM
Syria: justice or immunity as a step towards transition?

One of the current pre-conditions of the Syrian Opposition Coalition (SOC) is that key personnel within the regimes political, military and security structures need to be removed from positions of power for any credible transitional...

Oct 4 2013 5:07PM
Herman Wallace: Justice deferred to the end

Herman’s only solace is that today he died a free man. Herman Wallace spent over 41 years in solitary confinement in prison in Louisiana, and today, at 71 years old, he finally passed away after losing his battle with liver cancer. A...

Oct 2 2013 11:32AM
Herman is free

Update, 4 October : After just days of freedom, Herman Wallace sadly passed away this morning. Our only solace is that he died a free man . It’s Wednesday morning and I’m writing the words I always hoped, but never thought, I would...

Oct 1 2013 1:52AM
Saving Syria's Children - cross border aid delivery is essential

Only the most callous regime apologists would have remained unmoved by BBC Panorama's Saving Syria’s Children documentary aired last night. This was raw, to the bone reporting on a conflict which is literally seeing the skin shredded...

Sep 20 2013 1:00PM
The countries that support referring Syria to the International Criminal Court - and some absent 'friends'

A UN Security Council referral of the miserable situation in Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC) is vital but is far from certain. Like many other disappointments ordinary Syrians have had to endure from the so-called...

Sep 16 2013 11:55AM
The UNSC has a responsibility to protect civilians in Syria - decisive action is needed now

Time is not on the side of the displaced, the disappeared and the thousands of Syrians in fear of death – which could come any second from a regime ballistic missile or a bullet to the back of the head. If ever there was a time to...

Sep 13 2013 9:44PM
EVENT: Defending Human Rights in Hebron and Area C of the Occupied West Bank. 23 Sep

Details below of a free event at Amnesty International UK. It's very short notice so please share with your networks and on social media. Below the event details are some brief details of new Amnesty reports coming up on Israel /...

Sep 13 2013 5:38PM
Our six step plan to end the humanitarian crisis in Syria

Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually . Tweet As the debate about chemical weapons dominates our headlines, civilians continue to bear the brunt in Syria. It is clear that...

Sep 6 2013 5:35PM
How many more? Syria's refugees top two million

Charlotte Philips is our researcher on refugee and migrants' rights and recently returned from the Za'atri camp in Jordan. It’s difficult not to feel overwhelmed by the scale and brutality of the conflict in Syria. This week the UN has...

Aug 30 2013 6:04PM
Amnesty UK Letter to The Times: Syria - military intervention

Letters to the editor The Times Friday 30 August 2013 Sir, The defeat of the UK government’s initiative to win political support for possible military intervention in Syria shouldn’t blind us to some basic facts. First, that US-led...

Aug 29 2013 3:34PM
Military intervention in Syria: The human rights perspective

As America, the UK, France and Turkey debate whether or not to take military action in Syria, many of you have asked us to say if we are for or against it. You have demanded we take a stand. But the fact is that as an organisation, we...

Aug 28 2013 8:38PM
Syria: military intervention – six key points from Amnesty International

In recent days, several governments, including the UK, USA and France have signalled their intention to take military action against the Syrian government, which they hold responsible for the alleged chemical weapons attacks of 21...

Aug 22 2013 7:11PM
No more hand-wringing on Syria

By Cilina Nasser, Amnesty International’s researcher on Syria, this was originally posted on MSN UK It is impossible to watch the videos that emanated from Syria yesterday and not be moved, yet again, to rage about the international...

Aug 8 2013 4:26PM
Zimbabwe: human rights concerns despite a peaceful election

It’s one week on from the Zimbabwean election and it’s been quite a week for the country… I’ll try to give a quick summary of the past week’s events, and our concerns following reports of human rights violations in some districts. Urge...

Aug 7 2013 3:38PM
A snapshot of Aleppo's devastation

"Yousef (7), Mohammed (5), Ali (2), Hamza (12), Zahra (10), Husna (8), Fatima (10), Ahmad (7), Abdel Karim (2), Hassan (18 months)… Why did they bomb here? … There were only civilians here. Our quarter was full of life, children...

Jul 31 2013 4:42PM
Zimbabwe goes to the polls peacefully – but will it stay that way?

Zimbabweans have gone to the polls today for the first time since the violent elections of 2008, when 200 people were killed and thousands more were injured and displaced from their homes. The majority of the global media is focussing...
