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Jan 6 2013 8:19PM
Good News: Child released without charge in Bahrain

Mohammad Mohammad ‘Abdulnabi ‘Abdulwasi, a sixteen year old Bahrani child who was held in detention in an adult prison has been released without charge. He was initially transferred from Dry Dock prison, north-eastern Bahrain, to a...

Jan 6 2013 12:45AM
Sudan: Indiscriminate killing and sexual assault of young girls

Since June 2011, conflict between the Government of Sudan and the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Army-North (SPLA-N) has been raging in Sudan's Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. The conflict which commenced following disputed...

Dec 20 2012 1:52AM
Child held without charge in adult prison

Mohammad Mohammad 'Abdulnabi 'AbdulWasi, a sixteen year old Bahrani boy, has been held unlawfully in detention since 11 December 2012 in Dry Dock Prison - an adult prison in north eastern Bahrain. Riot police raided the 'Abdulwasi...

Dec 10 2012 4:39PM
Five more years of injustice: Segregated education for Roma in the Czech Republic

Romani children in the Czech Republic are still being denied the educational opportunities offered to other students five years after the European Court of Human Rights found the authorities guilty of discrimination, Amnesty...

Dec 7 2012 7:52PM
CNN Freedom Project Documentary: Operation Hope

CNN Freedom Project ’s latest documentary ‘Operation Hope’ follows a seven-year-old Bangladeshi boy’s remarkable journey to recovery after he was viciously attacked, castrated and left for dead by a gang when he refused to be coerced...

Dec 4 2012 10:27PM
China: The oppressed fight back !

For many years China has been at the centre of much controversy for its robust policies and methods in the implementation of development programmes. Allegations of human rights violations and abuses have frequently surfaced as corrupt...

Nov 28 2012 11:48AM
Trial of two boys starts in Bahrain

Two 15 year old boys, Jehad Sadeq Aziz Salman and Ebrahim Ahmed Radi al-Moqdad were arrested with two adults during an anti-government protest in Manama, the capital of Bahrain. They have since been held in detention and appeared for...

Nov 25 2012 10:16PM
Juvenile Life Without Parole - Show your support for Jacqueline Montanez

Over the last few years we have blogged about the issue of juvenile life without parole in the USA, a sentence which condemns children to spend the rest of their lives in prison, without any possibility of release, for crimes committed...

Oct 12 2012 6:00PM
Forced Evictions - A children's rights issue

Forced evictions have been, and continue to be a routine practice among states and other actors in the international community. The practice is often initiated by a desire to acquire wealth, and a policy of zero tolerance is regularly...

Aug 2 2012 12:11PM
You Don't Like the Truth: Four Days Inside Guantanamo - Omar Khadr's Story

Last week marked 10 years since 15-year-old Canadian citizen, Omar Khadr, was taken into American custody in Afghanistan. Today, Omar is still detained in Guantanamo Bay. The Children’s Human Rights Network recently held a screening of...

Jul 18 2012 3:41PM
Viral petition! Bring Omar Khadr home to Canada

Canadian Senator Dallaire's petition for Minister Toews says: Enough is enough. Canada must keep its word — and Minister Toews must authorize Omar Khadr’s return without delay. A deal is a deal. Please sign and join over 18,000 others...

Jun 28 2012 11:10PM
A step forward for children's rights in the US: Supreme Court rules on LWOP

On Monday the US Supreme Court issued a landmark decision in the cases of Miller v Alabama and Jacskon v Hobbs , ruling that mandatory sentences of life without parole imposed on children violate the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on...

May 27 2012 1:19PM
Child Massacre in Houla

The UN has confirmed that over 90 civilians have been killed in Houla. The dead include 32 children under the age of 10. The killing of these innocent children is a shocking and horrific crime in clear violation of international law...

May 18 2012 10:27AM
AIUK AGM 2012: Support for a street-child rights campaign

The Amnesty UK AGM carried the following resolution in April 2012: "In the light of the ICM decision to give greater emphasis to campaigning on children’s human rights and the current interest by the UN Human Rights Council on issues...

May 18 2012 10:05AM
Street children at the United Nations

Our AIUK Children's Human Rights Network colleague at the Consortium for Street Children, Advocacy Officer Louise Meincke, has had a very busy year, since the creation of International Day for Street Children on April 12th, 2011. This...

Apr 4 2012 11:28AM
Red ribbons for HIV-positive children in Tanzania

Amnesty International has revealed that several Tanzanian schools are forcing HIV-positive pupils to wear red ribbons to class . Amnesty International has cautioned against this practice, which stigmatizes those suffering from the...

Apr 3 2012 6:50PM
The International Day for Street Children 2012

Here is a very important message from our colleagues about the International Day for Street Children. Join us! Spread the word, find events in your country. Help street children go from voiceless to vocal! The International Day for...

Feb 27 2012 11:02PM
Amnesty AGM - A Proposed Resolution on the Rights of Street Children

Members of the Children’s Human Rights Network will be proposing a resolution about human rights violations against street children at the Amnesty AGM in April 2012. The Resolution: In the light of the ICM decision to give greater...

Feb 9 2012 6:55PM
Syria and Bahrain - The Suppression of Protest and Children's Rights

A year after the ‘Arab Spring’ protests began in Tunisia and Egypt, people across the Middle East and North Africa are continuing to stand up and protest against repressive regimes, often facing brutal suppression in response. Many...
