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CCP's 75-Year Garbage Time in History

Today is the 75th anniversary of founding the Party Empire (党天下) by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Today is not a day of celebration, but a day of remembrance for the dead, a day of remembrance of the CCP-made disasters(中共制造的人祸). Over the past 75 years, the one-party absolute power has caused the unnatural deaths of tens of millions of persons, including some of our friends and relatives. The CCP robbed the victims of their food, restricted their freedom of movement, causing them to starve to death. Many victims have been imprisoned, tortured, disappeared and killed for their expression, peaceful assembly, free association, publishing dissenting articles and books, teaching Tibetan, Uyghur, Mongolian, exercising their beliefs, practicing legal defence of acts above. Some ethnic groups, social disadvantaged class and vulnerable gender groups are brutally suppressed and discriminated against. Tibetans, Uighurs, Mongols, Muslims, peasants, nomad, migrant workers, women, activists for democracy, human rights and self-determination, dissidents, and persons in poverty becoming the most oppressed groups among the social hierarchies created by the CCP.


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