Statementby Chinese, Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK on the occasion of the 60thanniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
We are agroup of people from China, Tibet and East Turkestan who stand united inopposition to the tyrannical rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Weshare and believe in the fundamental values and principles of human rights,freedom and democracy; these principles bring us together to stand insolidarity with all those oppressed and persecuted by the rule of the CCP andto seek justice and freedom.
Duringthe 60 years of communist rule, the Chinese regime has perpetuated inexcusablecrimes against humanity. Tens of millions of people have died from politicalpersecution and abuse of power. The CCP has no electoral mandate, thereby ithas no authority or credibility to represent China as a member of the UnitedNations.
WithChina’s increasing global presence, the CCP’s autocratic political attitudesand actions, if unchecked, could endanger the freedom and well-being ofmankind.
Therefore,today we call on the Chinese government to end its one party autocracy bybeginning democratic processes and abide by the United Nations’ UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and thereby become a responsible and respectedmember of the international community.
Tobenefit not only those oppressed by the CCP rule in China, but for all thepeople of the world, we urge the international community to stand up and speakout; work to bring justice and democracy to the oppressed and help build aharmonious and stable society where universal human rights are recognised andvalued.
The worldmust wake up and act now!
Chinese,Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK
1October 2009
Chinese,Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK is made up of the following organisations:
ChineseSolidarity Campaign
Federationfor a Democratic China
Friendsof Tiananmen Mothers
Studentsfor a Free Tibet UK
TibetanCommunity in Britain
TibetanYouth UK
UighurCommunity UK
Chinese,Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK opposes the tyrannical rule of the ChineseCommunist Party and upholds the values of freedom, human rights and democracy.
Forfurther information / interviews please contact:
ShaoJiang (student organiser at the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests)
Tel:07961 948 852; Email: t.shaojiang@gmail.com
EnverTohti (Chairman of the Uighur Association and UK representative of the WorldUighur Congress)
Tel:07950 674 306; Email: etbugda@gmail.com
KarmaChura-Tsang (Director of Tibetan Youth UK)
Tel:07725 501 995; Email: karma@tibetanyouthuk.org
For moreinformation email: cuts.uk@googlemail.com
or go toour Facebook page – search for Chinese, Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK
Eventson 1 October
Protest:End the Oppression in China!
Time:11.00am – 1.00pm
Location:opposite the Chinese Embassy, 49-51 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL
On the60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese,Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK and supporters will be calling for freedomand human rights for all people in the PRC and for an end to one-partyautocracy. There will be the opportunity to sign a scroll in support ofdemocratic and human rights, and freedoms for all people living in the PRC.
Filmscreening: The Forgotten Nation,followed by Q&A.
Time:2.00pm – 5.00pm (film starts at 2.30pm)
Location:RS NLT2 Lecture Theatre 1 & 2 (Old Cinema), The University of Westminster,309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW
TheForgotten Nation is a series of four short documentaries onEast Turkestan (Xinjiang). The screening will be followed by a Q&A sessionwith a panel including Enver Tohti (chairman of the Uighur Association and UKrepresentative of the World Uighur Congress), Steve Greig (former Xinjiangcoordinator of Amnesty International UK) and Simon James (researcher anddocumentary maker on the Uighur issue, from Oxford University). Refreshments,including Turkish pizzas, will be served at the end of the event.
TheForgotten Nation is made up of fourdocumentaries:
Deathon the Silk Road, a Channel 4 documentary on thenuclear testing in East Turkestan. This film presents a chilling account of thepeople living under the mushroom cloud. China carried out 48 tests between 1966and 1996, 18 of which were above ground. It is estimated that more then 290,000people were killed by the tests’ explosions and more than one million peoplehave died from the resulting radiation.
ChinaSilenced, a short film made by an American-born Chinesejournalist during her visit to East Turkistan, which reveals the attitudes ofHan Chinese towards Muslims living in the region.
XinjiangRepression, a documentary report by a British journalistabout the general situation in East Turkistan.
AStrange Kind of Freedom, a film that explains how Uighurpeople ended up in Guantanamo Bay during the “War on Terror”.
Vigil:Remembering the victims of 60 years of oppression in China
Time:7.00pm – 9.30pm
Location:opposite the Chinese Embassy, 49-51 Portland Place, London W1B 1JL
Acandle-lit vigil to remember the victims of 60 years of oppression by theChinese Communist Party, to support human rights for all people in China and tocall for the release of all political prisoners in China.
Chinese Version
地点:中国大使馆对面,49-51Portland Place, London W1B 1JL
(最近地铁站:G reat Portland Street, Regents Park orOxford Circus)
地点:RSNLT2教室1和2 (前电影院),西敏寺大学309Regent Street, London W1B 2UW
(最近地铁站:Oxford Circus)
“被遗忘的国度”是一组四个关于东土耳其斯坦的纪录片。 Enver Tohti(维吾尔协会主席、世界维吾尔大会英国代表)、Steve Greig(前国际特赦新疆协调人)和SimonJames(研究员与制片人)在电影结束后,将回答观众提出的问题。备有茶点。
地点:中国大使馆对面,49-51Portland Place, London W1B 1JL
(最近地铁站:Great Portland Street, Regents Park orOxford Circus)烛光悼念,纪念在中国境内60年来被中共镇压的受难者,支持中国人权,呼吁释放所有政治犯。欢迎各界人士参加。
汉、维、藏团结会反对中共暴政,维护自由、人权和民主。要想了解更多的细节,请寄电邮:cuts.uk@googlemail.com,或访问我们的Facebook网页--搜索词:Chinese, Uighur & TibetanSolidarity UK.
Our blogs are written by Amnesty International staff, volunteers and other interested individuals, to encourage debate around human rights issues. They do not necessarily represent the views of Amnesty International.