Masked Protesters Mark 62nd Anniversary of the PRC
Today (1/10/2011) protestersfrom Chinese, Uighur and Tibetan Solidarity UK and activists gathered outside theChinese Embassy in London to mark the 62nd anniversary of thefounding of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
Thosepresent wore white masks, representing the millions of peoplewho have died or disappeared during the 62 years of thePRC, including victims of the invasions of Tibet and East Turkestan,the Cultural Revolution and the June 4th 1989 massacre around TiananmenSquare.
Theirmessage was that, after 62 years, there is nothing to celebrate.
ShaoJiang, a survivor of the June 4th 1989 massacre said: "it is importantthat we send a clear message on this day: the PRC has caused the deaths ofmillions, and while its leaders will mark the occasion with celebrations,ordinary Chinese, Uighur and Tibetan people will go on suffering."
Nizamidin Samotov, a Uyghur exile said: "For the people of EastTurkestan the PRC has meant six decades of oppression and persecution. Even today Uyghurs are executed, imprisoned and prevented from practising ourreligion by the PRC authorities."
SonamDugdak, a Tibetan exile said: "One of the first actions of thePRC was the invasion of Tibet. The torture, crackdowns and killingsthat have followed ever since mean we have nothing to celebratetoday."
Protesters mark the founding of the PRC, down with the CCP and end autocracy & PRC. Freedom belongs to People(Uighurs, Tibetans, Chinese).Freedom belongs toevery individual citizen
For more information or photos please contact Liam Allmark (Chinese, Uighurand Tibetan Solidarity UK) on 07810 300532
Available for interview: Shao Jiang (survivor- June 4th 1989 massacre),Rahime Mahmut (Uighur exile), Sonam Dugdak (Tibetan exile) Chinese, Uighur and Tibetan Solidarity UK is a coalition ofgroups supporting human rights and freedom for China, East Turkestan and Tibet
Tibetan Culture & News Online in English
Protest the CCP authoritarian (华维藏团结会10月1日抗议中共专制) , RFA in Chinese
NOT celebrate the founding of the PRC(旅英人士举行《十一》不庆祝的抗议活动), RFA in Chinese
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