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Nian Nian Bu Wang (Read Read Dont Forget)

London-based artists and activists look for AiWeiwei and all those disappeared by the Chinese regime 

Time: Saturday 9 April, 2pm

Venue: on the lawn outside the river side entranceof Tate Modern

A group of London-based artists and activists willbe holding a reading action on the lawn outside the river side entrance of TateModern on Saturday 9 April 2pm to appeal for the immediate release of Ai Weiweiand all those who have been detained, arrested, or ‘disappeared’ by the Chineseregime since February. We have included Tibetan prisoners of consciencedetained since 2008 and Uighur prisoners of consciencedetained since 2009 whose situation has worsened in the recent crackdown.

Our action borrows the title of Ai Weiwei’s audioproject last year in which netizens read the names of 5,000 schoolchildren whowere killed in the Sichuan earthquake. In our project on Saturday, we willinvite 50 volunteers each to open one of the paper sunflower seeds we haveprepared and read out the name of the disappeared inside. The names will alsohave their pronunciations in English to facilitate the reading. After thereading, volunteers are welcome to take the paper seeds home with them tocontinue the action.

For the updated list of the disappeared, pleaserefer to

A partial list of disappeared individuals under the Chinese regime (9 April 2011)

This list willalso be printed out and made available on site for the passers-by to understandthe current situation in China.

Please join us this Saturday to read the names ofthose we admire. We believe that the best way to support them is to carry onwhat they have started. We believe that millions of sunflower seeds will makethe world change.









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