Today on 15 April 1989 : Big Character posters Appeared in Campuses
This year is the 25th anniversary of the 1989 Pro-democracy Movement and the June 4 Massacre. 25 years ago, Hu Yaobang's death triggered Student Movement. Big Character posters in memory of Hu, criticism of the government and of overt corruption at the Party-state leaders and demand of political reform and democracy, appeared in the campuses of major universities in Beijing and other cities. Since the mid-1985, Student movements practiced freedom of assembly and freedom of expreesion, protest against censorship and brain-washing eduction, in defiance of official warnings or regulations which prohibit freedom of assembly.
More images in Tweets in Chinese below
25年前的今天,胡耀邦逝世,高校悼念和抗议的大字报并存。#八九六四 #8964 #八九六四二五 #896425 #June4 #Beijing #Massacre #六四死难者
80年代中后期学生抗议中共在校园的思想控制,支持被整肃的异议人 士。1985年、1986年和1988年学生运动虽然有不同的起因,但运动基本特征一致,要求政治改革,挑战官方禁令,实践游行自由和表达自由。#八九六四 #八九六四二五
1989年,54运动70周年,法国大革命200年, 知识界、社会各界人士和学生中酝酿准备。89年初 #方励之 和其他知识界人士发表了一系列公开信,要求尊重人权,释放政治犯,拉开1989年民间大规模践行公民权利的序幕。 八九文件: #June4 #Beijing #Massacre #8964 #八九六四 #八九六四二五
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