Today in 1989: Free Expression » CounterPunch
The newly formed Beijing Students Autonomous Federation held its first general meeting at University of Political Science and Law. In a somewhat clandestine atmosphere, hundreds of student delegates debated on the merit of a plan to hold a large-scale demonstration on April 27. It was during a break of this meeting in the evening when students heard the first broadcast of the People's Daily editorial, to be published next day on April 26, which labeled the movement as a "planned conspiracy" and "turmoil."
Thousands of students marched in the campuses, to protest against the official statement when they heard the first broadcast of the People's Daily editorial, to be published next day on April 26, which labeled the movement as a "planned conspiracy" and "turmoil."
#八九六四 #八九六四二五 官方对学生运动定性为“动乱”,依据是官媒报道4月22-33日长沙和西安发生的“砸被抢”,有超过350人遭到逮捕。350人为什么被逮捕?后来他们的情况怎样?也有传闻数人死亡。杨继绳对这两起事件提供了与官方不同的版本:…
#八九六四 #八九六四二五 #八九民主运动 25年前的今天(4月25日) 北京43所高校(4月24日是38所高校)约6万余名学生继续罢课。一些高校继续出现推动学运的大小字报。(图)
#八九六四 #八九六四二五 北大27个系中有8个系成立了分会;北大筹委会进行了改选。北高联政府提出三项要求,获答允才会复课。三项要求是:1、与国务院有代表性的官员对话;2、对四.二0新华门事件公开道歉和惩罚凶手;3、国内传媒如实报导学生运动。
#八九六四 #八九六四二五 #8964 #896425 #八九民主运动 25年前的今天(4月25日)18时45分许,人民大学三、四千名学生到中国青年政治学院、北方交通大学、中央民族学院、北京外语学院声援罢课,并强烈抗议四.二六社论。21时40分,游行队伍从中国青年政治学院出来后,原计划到北京师范学院,但遭到近800名警察拦截。
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