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Today in 1989: staged sit-in in Tiananmen Square

Students staged sit-in in front of the Great Hall of People and demanded to see members of the Standing Committee and show them the List of Seven Demands. But the authorities refused officially to reply to the demand. Some protesters sit in at Xinhuamen

Yan Wen (严文) joined in Big Character Poster campaign in Peking Univ on 18 April, giving public support to the sit-ins. In the evening on the New Year's day 1987, Yan and thousdand students marched to Tiananmen, demanding immediate release of arrested students who  protested in Tiananmen at the same day.


He organized a literature and photography community including students in seveal universities in 1987, developing different  literatural styles, invesigating social and political phenomena and debating politics.


At around 1:00 a.m. on June 4, 1989, Yan was shot in the artery of his upper leg, when he was taking photographs at Muxudi. He died in spite of emergency treatment received in the Naval General Hospital. After cremation, his remains were buried at the Taiziyu Public Cemetery in the Funan section, row 11.

#八九六四 #八九六四二五  25年前的今天(4月18日)0时到4月18日3时,游行学生起草11条要求,征集同伴意见,对七条争议最小,同时讨论游行停留目的地,是新华门还是天安门,多数赞成去天安门。约2千学生3时半到达广场,一读七条,全部同意,同时决定在人民大会堂前静坐,递交请愿书。


一 公正评价胡耀邦的政绩,肯定胡耀邦倡导的三宽政策; 二 彻底否定"清除精神污染"与"反自由化"运动,为这两次运动受迫害的公民平反; 三 公布党和国家领导人及其子女财产; 四 新闻自由和言论自由,允许民间办报; 五、取消北京人大常委会违反宪法而制定的限制游行的"十条;六、增加教育经费,提高知识分子的待遇; 七,对此次学生运动作出公开公正报道。


#八九六四 #八九六四二五  25年前的今天(4月18日)独立参选人成功当选海淀区人大代表的北大物理系副教授 #李淑娴  早晨和上午接到静坐学生的三次电话,在北大三角地贴出大字报,转述静坐学生向人大提交的请愿七条,说明静坐学生需要声援。

参与4月17日游行和18日静坐陆续回到学校的学生,以大字报方式告知静坐同学需要声援。更多学生前往广场,形成接力静坐,由于官方拒绝正式接收请愿七条,接力静坐的学生18日晚转移到新华门前静坐。#八九六四 #八九六四二五

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