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Today in 1989: Strike in Universities

Students in some universities started to strike, to protest police violence and  the authorities' turning a deaf ear to students' seven demands.

Also on this day, some intellectuals published open letters to support students' demand.

In the late afternoon, thousands and thousands of them, from about twenty colleges in Beijing, gathered at Beijing Normal University. The demonstration surprised and delighted city residents who cheered them along the way.

The students reached Tiananmen Square around midnight. They settled down in front of the Great Hall of People, where Hu Yaobang's funeral would start the next day. The area was scheduled to be closed in the morning for the occasion. But these tens of thousands of students made their claim. They would spend the cold spring night in the Square so that they could be a part of the funeral.

Sun Hui, student  from Chemistry Department at Beijing University, participated in the march to #Tiananmen.

In the early morning of June 4, 1989, Sun was bicycling around looking for classmates who had been dispersed by the martial law troops. He was shot at Xidan and died there.

25年前的今天(4月21日)北京部分高校开始罢课,抗议警察殴打学生以及政府对学生游行请愿要求置若罔闻。北京知识界发表公开信支持学生的要求。 #八九六四 #八九六四二五 #8964 #896425

晚8时前后,北京近20所高校4万余名学生举着旗帜、标语、横幅,呼喊“打倒官僚”、“打倒腐败”等口号,先后走出校门。22时许,游行队伍在北师大稍作停留后,向天安门广场行进。这是北京各高校学生第一次统一上街游行。 #八九六四 #八九六四二五


#孙 辉 全程 参与 #八九六四,  北京大学化学系88级学生, 参与4月21日游行 #天安门 和22日静坐。89.6.4.晨,骑车寻找被戒严部队冲散的同班同学,身穿北大背心,下穿牛仔裤,于西单被射杀,横尸街头。 #六四死难者

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