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New Local Group Websites - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about local group websites. For even more information please download the user guide (PDF).

How do I log in to my website?

If you are the designated administrator for your group, you should be able to log in to your account using your normal email and password at If you’re having problems logging in or have changed administrator please contact

I've logged in but can't access my website?
Have you logged in using the same email address that we have used to contact you about changes to your site? We have given each local group website officer admin access based on the email address we hold for you. If that has changed please email

If you are logged in with the same email we have used to contact you and you can't access your website please email

If you were initally able to access your group website, but now you have logged in again and it seems to have disappeared please email

How do I publish my new website?
Once you are happy for your new website to be published we will then redirect your existing domain name i.e. and/or to your new website. Once you new website is live please only promote the URL

Why can’t I create pages?
The new local group websites are based on the same platform as our Blogs and uses tags rather than pages to organise content.

Where you may have created a page for a specific campaign or series of events, with our websites you just need to tag each post with the correct tag.

For example you may have a meeting on the Arms Trade Treaty. This would be a single post tagged with ‘Groups meeting’ and ‘Arms Trade Treaty’. This way a user searching for either events or arms trade campaign information will find the post.

You are also able to create lists of posts that use a particular tag. Here is an example of blog posts on the arms trade treaty:

A full list of tags can be found here: and we are currently working on new functionality that will allow you to add your own tags.

This approach allows for users and search engines to find your content more easily. It will also mean that we can give your content more visibility on the main site.

How do I add photo galleries?

The new local group websites only allow for one photo per post. If you’d like to have gallery of photos we’d recommend you use a service such as flickr and then embed it on the page.

Flickr is easy to use, free and offers a number of useful features to make the best of your photos. Here is an example of a gallery we set up of photos of our Feb11Global rally

How can I see what my new website looks like?
To see the public view of your website please go to e.g.

If your group's name is made up of more than one part just add a dash between the individual parts of the name. e.g.

Can someone help me with transferring my content?
Yes. You can request help by emailing us We’ll be able to transfer a description of your groups, contact details, details of your next meetings or events and one updated for your new website.

How can I get training on how to use this platform?
We have produced a user guide (PDF) and you can always contact us to assist you with any technical queries.

What can I post on the platform?
You’ll be able to embed videos from Vimeo or YouTube, upload documents, add images to your posts and create text-based blog posts. 

Can I see some other local group sites?
If you would like some ideas about how you can set up your website have a look at the following groups who are already using the system:

Amnesty Local Group Website User Guide - April 2018
About Amnesty UK Blogs
Our blogs are written by Amnesty International staff, volunteers and other interested individuals, to encourage debate around human rights issues. They do not necessarily represent the views of Amnesty International.
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1 comment

very useful - up and running!

Helen B 12 years ago