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Oct 16 2014 11:54AM
Belgrade Pride: we finally walked. Ljudi za ljude

Barely three months ago I was interviewed by The Independent on the relevance of pride marches, and in particular, London pride . My answer then was that "we march for those who can't. Our platform helps people see the other side...

Oct 10 2014 5:49PM
Our only option was to flee Libya by sea: a refugee's story

Syrian doctor Hasan Wahid survived a shipwreck in the Mediterranean on 11 October 2013 - the second of two shipwrecks near Lampedusa where over 500 people drowned. He told us his family's story of the impossible choices – and terrible...

Oct 10 2014 3:31PM
Meet 'citizen four' and learn why we should fear mass surveillance

In January 2013, filmmaker Laura Poitras was several years into the making of a film about abuses of national security in post-9/11 America. She started receiving encrypted e-mails from someone identifying himself as ‘citizen four’...

Oct 1 2014 12:53PM
Hong Kong: 'I have not seen anything like this in decades'

The streets of Hong Kong are hard to recognize these days. The exhilarating energy filling the city’s main roads, crowded with hopeful protesters, is something I have not seen since I was a young student back in 1989, when we took to...

Sep 19 2014 2:21PM
Nigeria needs to call time on torture

The next few months will determine whether Chinwe’s life is changed forever. Accused of murder by a corrupt and brutal police force, he faces spending his remaining years behind bars. He is at risk of being convicted by a Nigerian...

Sep 17 2014 4:29PM
Make sure Belgrade Pride isn't a washout

In May horrific floods plagued Serbia. At least 57 people died and more than 30,000 people were evacuated from their homes. At the same time, Belgrade Pride was due to take place and the organisers’ decision to postpone the celebration...

Sep 16 2014 11:46AM
It's time for the US to stop fuelling the conflict in Israel and Gaza

As the UN General Assembly begins its meeting today in New York City, Amnesty International is delivering 187,563 signatures to the White House in a global call to cut off weapons fuelling abuses in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian...

Sep 15 2014 10:48AM
Tortured by Mexican marines

My name is Claudia Medina. Two years ago, in the middle of the night, marines entered my home in Veracruz, Mexico. They didn’t show me a court order, but blindfolded me and took me away. For 36 long hours they kept me in solitary at a...

Sep 10 2014 4:21PM
A letter from a Syrian activist to an American mother

To the mother of James Foley, I want to express my sincerest condolences for the loss of your son, James Foley. It was with shock and sorrow to know what had happened to him by those vicious killers. My thoughts are with you and your...

Sep 8 2014 2:48PM
Yara Sallam: From activist's passion to Egypt's prisons

How does it feel when someone you actually know is put in prison? Perhaps as a campaigner for justice for individuals, groups and communities it shouldn’t feel different – after all, their position is just as bad – but somehow knowing...

Sep 1 2014 12:50PM
Gao Zhisheng: released but not yet free

On 7 August, Gao Zhisheng, a prominent human rights lawyer often referred to as the ‘conscience of China’ was released from prison. Released, but not yet free, his future remains uncertain: his political rights continue to be withheld...

Aug 29 2014 4:39PM
Bolivia's search for truth, justice and reparation

For over 150 years between its independence from Spain and the mid-1980s, Bolivia was characterised by a history of coups, counter-coups and the occasional revolution. Since 1985, however, despite various outbreaks of social unrest...

Aug 21 2014 11:14AM
Escape from Sinjar Mountain, but what next?

After a harrowing escape, first from their hometown of Qahtanya and then from Sinjar Mountain – where they were stuck for eight days with very little food or water – Suleiman Shaibo Sido, his wife and their eight children, all members...

Aug 14 2014 12:02PM
'They know who did it and they're not acting': The Gatumba massacre 10 years on

On Saturday I listened while survivors of the Gatumba massacre recounted the horrors they witnessed on the night of August 13th 2004, when more than 160 Congolese Banyamulenge Tutsis were hunted down and killed at a refugee camp in...

Aug 7 2014 12:50PM
London to Brighton cycle: Emma Pooley's top tips for Ditchling Beacon

One of the highlights of our fundraising calendar, the London to Brighton cycle ride is just a few weeks away! Good luck to all in @amnestyuk ride on 7 Sept. Cycling for a great cause! Sign up on #teamamnesty...

Aug 6 2014 5:23PM
In Israel, as in Gaza, human rights are the last line of protection

My brother and I are experiencing the current Israel-Gaza conflict quite differently. He is 20, serving out his military service and has been fighting in Gaza. I, on the other hand, am the Executive Director of Amnesty International...

Aug 4 2014 12:31PM
A death penalty for journalism in Iran

Iran’s hardline judiciary is getting very good at silencing its critics. Over the last decade, but especially following the 2009 presidential election when the authorities tightened restrictions on free speech and access to information...

Aug 1 2014 12:33PM
Life in Gaza: terror at night and massacres in the day

Last Monday and Tuesday were the scariest days and nights since the current conflict began. The violence finally reached the area where I live. The area where I, my children and neighbours, had thought it was safe. After I finished my...

Jul 31 2014 11:22AM
'We are all Gaza': Palestinian anger in the West Bank

Across the city of Ramallah in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) hang billboards and banners showing images of bloodshed and destruction alongside the words: “Here now, we are all Gaza”. Many of these posters, which I also saw...

Jul 29 2014 4:08PM
'Nowhere in Gaza is safe': a snapshot of life under the bombs

This morning as I brushed my teeth I could hear the familiar buzzing of a drone circling above our building. I ignored the sound. Drones circle overhead all the time; you never know whether it’s just for surveillance or an impending...
