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Mar 12 2014 7:28PM
Louisana's injustice: Lessons the USA must learn from Glenn Ford

Late yesterday, Glenn Ford - now 64 years old - walked out of the Louisiana’s infamous Angola prison after spending nearly three decades behind bars for a crime he’s always claimed he never committed. He was sentenced to death in 1984...

Feb 8 2014 6:33PM
Anthony Holden on Russia, Sochi 2014, and Tchaikovsky

Anthony Holden is a writer, broadcaster and critic, and was the US Editor for the Observer and Assistant Editor for The TImes. He's written many biographies including one on Tchaikovsky, and watched the Sochi 2014 opening ceremony to...

Jan 21 2014 1:21PM
Hunted down: Muslims fleeing for their lives in the Central African Republic

In the small town of Boali, 100km north of the capital Bangui, the Muslim neighbourhoods are eerily silent, completely empty of their inhabitants. Every single home has been thoroughly looted. Even the front doors have been removed and...

Jan 20 2014 5:44PM
Nigeria: flogged for daring to love

The image of a man laying on a bench in a packed court room in northern Nigeria, screaming in pain as he was being lashed 20 times with an oil-smeared whip is profoundly shocking. But this is par for the course in a country where same...

Jan 17 2014 2:47PM
Dr Abbas Khan’s tragic death will be honoured. It should also lead to action

On Friday 17 January family members, dignitaries and community representatives in Greater Manchester and elsewhere are to pay their respects to the British doctor Dr Abbas Khan , and also to remember the thousands of other victims of...

Jan 8 2014 11:52AM
After Turkey's Gezi Park protests: passion, distrust and fear in court

“We must be careful today. Last time, the police used tear gas and we had to run.” This was my interpreter’s warning as we walked to the court in Ankara to observe the third hearing of a trial for Amnesty in December 2013. The...

Jan 3 2014 3:09PM
Lacking food, water and work: Life in the Iraqi Kurdistan refugee camps

Sitting on a thin mattress inside a ramshackle structure on a muddy hilltop, elderly Abu Fares told me how he came to live in poverty in Iraq’s relatively prosperous northern Kurdistan region. For the past 11 months, he and his wife –...

Dec 18 2013 2:29PM
Beaten for being gay

When Olympic bronze-medal winning diver Tom Daley made 'that' announcement to his 2.4 million Twitter followers, it made headlines in the national press for days. Sadly, he received a fair number of homophobic comments , but the vast...

Dec 17 2013 6:40PM
Tortured and jailed for peaceful protest and the raising of a flag

Johan Teterissa is a primary school teacher serving a 15-year sentence for leading a peaceful protest in 2007 in Indonesia. He was arrested along with 21 other activists during a government organised event in Ambon, the capital of...

Dec 15 2013 4:54PM
A big step closer to abolishing the death penalty in Zimbabwe?

By Cousin Zilala, Executive Director of Amnesty International Zimbabwe 'As someone who has been on death row myself and only saved by an ‘age technicality’, I believe that our justice delivery system must rid itself of this odious and...

Dec 11 2013 4:44PM
I’ve received praise for my work, she’s had death threats

I have never met Doctor D, the Afghan gynaecologist whose experience I voiced in the film above, but I know by her story that we have a lot in common. When I was asked if I wanted to be involved in this film, I absolutely leapt at the...

Dec 10 2013 12:57PM
Remembering Mandela: 'I don’t need my name in history books. I was there.'

Colin Haskin is a life-long activist and works with Amnesty in South Africa. I was born in 1957 to a white Irish father and a black Zulu mother. My older sister and younger brother came out white. I did not. For us to live together as...

Nov 28 2013 9:48AM
Chelsea Manning: which one doesn't belong?

Let’s all take a trip down memory lane to our Sesame Street days and engage in the following exercise of “Which One Doesn’t Belong”: The only soldier who was tried in the death of 24 unarmed Iraqi civilians in Haditha, Iraq – no prison...

Nov 15 2013 12:07PM
Demonstrating again, and again, and again, despite the risks and violence. Welcome to Nabi Saleh.

Imagine you live in a small village, and a big chunk of the village’s land is stolen by an illegal settlement, accompanied by an occupying army. Then, not satisfied with stealing your land, the occupiers also steal your water supply...

Oct 25 2013 1:28PM
‘Society’ is no longer an excuse for Saudi Arabia’s ban on women driving

Eman Al Nafjan ( @Saudiwoman ) is a female blogger from Saudi Arabia who has been campaigning against the driving ban. She was arrested by police earlier this month as she filmed a female driver breaking the ban. If there was one word...

Oct 23 2013 12:43PM
Filep Karma: 15 years in prison for raising a flag of independence

Filep Karma is serving 15 years in prison after participating in an annual ceremony in Abepura in 2004, at which a Papuan independence flag was raised. The Morning Star flag is banned by the authorities as a symbol of Papuan...

Oct 16 2013 12:47PM
Violence against Trade Unionists: continued crimes from Guatemala's civil war

Death threats on the telephone, followed by an attack by armed gunmen and the murder of another trade unionist in Guatemala. A scene that could have come straight from Guatemala City in the 70s or 80s, during the peak of the Guatemalan...

Oct 8 2013 12:49PM
Ability to endure death threats and harassment… all part of a front line activist's CV

James Savage is our Human Rights Defenders Programme Manager, supporting and protecting activists around the world who face grave risks conducting their work. Boarding a plane to Dublin a day or two before your birthday usually signals...

Oct 1 2013 6:11PM
United we stand - An inspiring woman takes action against sexual abuse

Guest Post by Amnesty Scotland volunteer Katie Cunningham Last week, one of my friends made a rape joke. There was an awkward silence as the group tried to gauge each other’s reaction, and the joker took offence. We had, my friend said...

Sep 26 2013 2:00PM
Good news: Family protection laws passed in Papua New Guinea

On 18 September 2013, the Papua New Guinean Government passed the Family Protection Bill 2013 with a landslide 65-0 vote. What's the good news? The unanimous support for the bill signified strong political will to reduce the high rates...
