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Mar 21 2018 1:07PM
Child Refugees in Calais

Despite the demolition of the infamous ‘Jungle’ camp in Calais, and the media’s sudden silence, this footage shows the ongoing reality for people stuck in refugee camps.

Mar 21 2018 12:47PM
The potential of British citizenship

There are thousands of undocumented children around the UK. Each one with the potential to do great things. The stability of citizenship and a status in the UK allows them to achieve that.

Mar 2 2018 4:08PM
Amnesty colleagues behind bars in Turkey for championing human rights

By Stefan Simanowitz A month ago, Hatice Kılıç and her three daughters waited outside Şakran prison beneath a dark sky. The temperature was close to freezing, but they did not feel the cold. All their attention was focused on those...

Mar 1 2018 12:16PM
Protecting children’s rights in humanitarian crises

2018 is predicted to be the worst for humanitarian crises since World War II. In such times, leaders need to keep in mind protecting the rights of children everywhere when looking to solve crises across the world.

Feb 26 2018 4:06PM
The bullying trend

Bullying in schools is getting worse – and it’s being ignored. Schools need to make stopping this cause of severe childhood trauma a priority.

Feb 26 2018 10:33AM
Child marriage is never acceptable – no matter the circumstance.

A law passed in Bangladesh allows for child marriage in “special circumstances”. This is completely unacceptable and harmful to the lives of girls.

Feb 23 2018 4:38PM
Syria's Children: a Generation without Education

The children of Syria are having their childhood’s stolen, and their rights to education and basic needs obliterated. The international community needs to do more.

Feb 23 2018 3:56PM
Gross violation of the right to life in Syria

Days have become a living nightmare for many Syrian children. It is imperative that we, as global citizens, act immediately.

Feb 22 2018 4:30PM
Fairtrade Fortnight

Written by Georgie White, Amnesty's online retail manager. Fairtrade Fortnight started over 20 years ago in the UK, with the aim of raising awareness of the rights of farmers and producers around the world. It was highly successful and...

Feb 14 2018 11:45AM
The legacy of the Suffragettes

It’s 100 years since the first women in Britain were given the right to vote. Sally Nicholl’s, whose novel for young adults is about young suffrage campaigners, asks whether things have changed for those still fighting for equality.

Feb 13 2018 11:03AM
I Am Fighting To Stop Finland Sterilising Trans People

By Sakris Kupila . This blog first appeared on The Huffington Post . Imagine if you had to be diagnosed with a ‘mental disorder’ and go through forced sterilisation before the country you lived in would legally recognise you as the...

Feb 7 2018 3:42PM
Israeli ill-treatment of detained Palestinian minors must end

While a lot of attention has been paid worldwide to the plight of jailed Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, her case is sadly not unique. Over 300 Palestinian minors are currently imprisoned by Israel.

Feb 6 2018 9:44AM
Female Genital Mutilation: more must be done to save lives

On International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, Gladys Burini asks why this abhorrent practice still happens, and how governments and people all over the globe must act to protect women and girls.

Jan 25 2018 4:05PM
How receiving letters from thousands of strangers helped me fight for justice for my brother’s murder

By Shackelia Jackson Over the past two months I’ve received more than 6,000 letters, tweets and emails from people across the UK who I’ve never spoken to or met before in my life. Reading them has been overwhelming. Kindness from one...

Jan 23 2018 12:53PM
9 Films about children’s rights

Written by Vanessa Terschluse and Sena Atici Amnesty campaigns for the protection and respect of children’s rights. It is everyone's responsibility to protect and empower children so that they are healthy, happy and engaged citizens...

Jan 20 2018 9:00AM
8 ways we’ve resisted Trump’s attacks on human rights since he was elected

From cruel travel bans to cutting foreign aid, Donald Trump has had quite the busy first year in office. But we’ve been there every step of the way pushing back.

Dec 13 2017 4:55PM
Defending the Defenders

By Sharmini Varatharajah, Advocacy & Activisim Assistant Volunteer at Amnesty International UK. On 6 th December 2017, we held our annual Parliamentary Reception in the Speaker’s House of Westminster Palaces to mark Human Rights Day...

Dec 13 2017 11:13AM
Write for Rights with the LGBTI Network

By Daniel Theophanous We started the Write for Rights campaign over 15 years ago: a global letter-writing initiative which has now become one of world’s biggest human rights event. The campaign’s premise is that “sometimes a letter can...

Dec 12 2017 3:19PM
Author Mitch Johnson on tackling global inequality in fiction

By Mitch Johnson: an introduction to his new book ,'Kick', which has been endorsed by Amnesty International UK. 100 seconds. That’s how long it takes a top-flight footballer to earn a sweatshop worker’s monthly wage. When I first did...

Dec 8 2017 2:59PM
The persecution of the Ahmadiyya community

For the 5 million Ahmadis in the world, religious persecution has been particularly severe and systematic in Pakistan, where Ahmadis have been officially declared non-Muslims.
