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Jun 19 2017 4:26PM
Illustrator Ross Collins on choosing The Journey to win the Amnesty CILIP Honour 2017

Written by Ross Collins, Amnesty CILIP Honour winner 2016 It’s always lovely to be asked to judge something. It means that other people are under the illusion that you know what you’re doing. I was so proud to win last year’s CILIP...

Jun 6 2017 10:42AM
We Exist

It is two months since reports surfaced in the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta that the Chechen authorities have been detaining, torturing and even killing gay men, as part of a deplorable campaign to purge the republic of...

May 30 2017 1:03PM
The most powerful tool against repression: educating people about their rights

Written by Krisztina Saroy, an advocate for human rights in West & Central Africa and Amnesty volunteer I could not have dreamt of anything more exciting than meeting former Amnesty prisoner of conscience Fred Bauma . Together with...

Mar 31 2017 6:50PM
Together, we are stronger

By Shackelia Jackson, activist and sister of Nakiea, killed by the Jamaican police in 2014 As a relative of a young man killed by the police in Kingston, Jamaica, many people have asked me how my family copes with the pain, with having...

Mar 30 2017 5:34PM
UK Government targeting WhatsApp is another security red herring

Written by Joe Westby, Amnesty Researcher on Technology and Human Rights Follow @JoeWestby on Twitter Anyone who hoped that the debate about encryption had already been put to bed was, sadly, wrong. Today, UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd...

Mar 15 2017 10:17AM
Syria: Miraculous journeys, stranded hopes

Written by Monica Costa Riba, Regional Campaigner at Amnesty International. First published on CNN. Strapped onto either side of a horse, 30-year-old Alan Mohammad and his 28-year-old sister Gyan crossed craggy mountains from Iraq and...

Feb 21 2017 5:08PM
Three years and counting for exercising his right to freedom of speech: Free Leopoldo Lopez

By Graham Minter, Amnesty's Country Coordinator for South America On an exceptionally warm and sunny February day, we gathered outside the Venezuelan Embassy to deliver a petition with 2400 signatures collected from Amnesty supporters...

Feb 20 2017 7:23PM
Donald Trump is alienating his most valuable allies

Written by Salil Shetty, Secretary-General at Amnesty International. This piece was originally published in TIME. Even at a time when human rights are under relentless attack across the globe, the stories and images of human suffering...

Feb 9 2017 5:44PM
Nazanin: A letter to my daughter

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian charity worker, was at the airport returning to the UK when she was detained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and put in an Iranian prison. This is a translated version a letter Nazanin...

Jan 30 2017 4:24PM
The US war on Muslim refugees

The gloves are off. With Friday’s Executive Order on “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals,” President Donald J. Trump has declared war on Muslim refugees around the world. With the stroke of a pen, the...

Jan 26 2017 11:03AM
Trump’s global gag is a devastating blow for women’s rights

By Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty's Americas Director The image of a group of men in suits making decisions about the rights of women is becoming an emblematic sign of the backlash against our human rights, particularly those related to...

Jan 20 2017 2:36PM
Standing up for human rights under President Trump’s administration

Written by Margaret Huang, executive director at Amnesty International USA On the 20th of January, the eyes of the world will be on Washington, DC as a new U.S. president takes the oath of office. Donald J. Trump and his administration...

Jan 19 2017 1:25PM
Nine videos to help you talk about the death penalty

By Bashayer Aljaber, Amnesty Speaker Programme Volunteer Short films and videos can be useful conversation starters for teachers, educators, facilitators or anyone wishing to learn more about human rights. Here are some freely...

Dec 13 2016 2:46PM
Living in colour: life as a humanitarian nurse and campaigner for refugees

In her mid-50s Alison Criado-Perez transformed her life. She returned to nursing, joined Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and began working in humanitarian crises around the world. She explains how what she saw turned her into an active...

Dec 9 2016 2:48PM
Madeleine Moon MP celebrates Human Rights Day by taking action in support of Ilham Tohti

Every year Human Rights Day, which commemorates the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, reminds us of how important universal rights are. For everyone, everywhere. But sadly so many people all over the world still...

Dec 9 2016 12:19PM
On human rights day, send a message of hope

Written by Bonface Ophiyah Massah, National Coordinator of APAM, the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi My name is Bonface Massah. I live in Malawi, and I have albinism. That is a dangerous combination. In Malawi, people...

Dec 7 2016 3:17PM
The ethical Christmas gift guide 2016

By Georgie White, our online retail manager. ‘Ethical shopping’ has come a long way in the last few years. No longer purely the realm of the most conscientious consumers, or hardcore hippies – fairtrade can be affordable, fashionable...

Nov 29 2016 5:02PM
Harrowing tales of IS abuses and militia revenge paint grim picture for justice for Mosul atrocities

By Diana Eltahawy, Iraq researcher at Amnesty International, Northern Iraq As the battle to recapture Mosul from the grip of the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS) has unfolded in recent weeks, gruesome details have...

Nov 22 2016 6:15PM
After Hillsborough I fought for justice for 27 years

By Becky Shah I lost my mum when I was 17. She left one day to go to a football match, and I never saw her alive again. This year we finally proved that she lost her life as a result of tragic failures by the police, ambulance services...

Nov 12 2016 10:14AM
Six Trump proposals that must never become policy

By Margaret Huang , executive director of Amnesty International USA In the very early hours of November 9, we voiced our grave concern about statements that President-elect Donald Trump made over the course of the election and his...
