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Jun 26 2008 9:54AM
Human rights under threat in Austria?

There's a protest planned for London tomorrow at the Austrian Embassy. The issue surrounds the detention of 10 animal rights campaigners in Austria imprisoned under a new law intended to fight organised crime gangs. According to...

Jun 22 2008 1:57PM

Hi, I am sure you are aware that the violence in Zimbabwe is spiralling out of control and many more people's lives will be at risk in the coming hours and days. Please find below a list of telephone numbers for police stations and...

Jun 18 2008 4:27PM
Life After Iraq - an exhibition in Glasgow.

Billy Briggs Much attention has been given to the conflict in Iraq, but much less to the resulting humanitarian crisis. Five years after the US-led invasion, at least 4.7 million Iraqis – equivalent to almost the entire population of...

May 28 2008 1:27PM

Hi folks, Please read this urgent message below and take some action. UA 138/08 Fear of tortureIRAN Farshad Dousipour (also known as Doustipour) (m), aged 23, Kurdish student Kurdish student Farshad Dousipour was arrested on 15 May by...

May 26 2008 2:36PM

Billy Briggs Please find below a feature of mine that appeared in yesterday's edition of Sunday Herald Magazine, published in Scotland. The article comes ahead of an exhibition on Iraqi refugees to be held in Glasgow as part of UK...

May 23 2008 1:28PM
The fight for justice in Guatemala...

I visited Guatemala in 2006 to interview Fredy Peccerelli, executive director of the Guatemalan Foundation of Forensic Anthropology, for an article for The Guardian's G2.

May 13 2008 2:21PM

On Friday, an important bill comes before parliament so please read the following from the organisation Redress – "Justice is a torture survivor's right. Public acknowledgement of thewrong committed and compensation for the physical...

Apr 19 2008 1:13PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - a diary from Damascus.

Thanksfor reading my posts from Damascus. Photographer Angie Catlin and I are currently in the process of producing an exhibition on Iraqi refugees to be held in Glasgow in June as part of Refugee Week. We've interviewedaround 30...

Apr 16 2008 12:04PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

We went back to Saida Zeinab yesterday to conduct more interviews with refugees and were invited into the home of a family who left Baghdad for Damascus in November, 2006. The family were too afraid to provide their real names, as they...

Apr 14 2008 2:14PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - a diary from Damascus.

Over the past few days we've heard some harrowing stories from the refugees, but one interview we conducted yesterday really got to Angie and I. We met with Wayhda Abead Al Wahed, a mother of six children, at her two roomed home in the...

Apr 9 2008 10:41AM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

Yesterday I met with three refugee families living together in only one flat in the Jeramana area, east Damascus. In total there are 14 people sharing one living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. These people are Sabians...

Apr 7 2008 6:05PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

We visited 'Iraqi Street' in the Saida Zeinab district of Damascus today to meet with more refugees, accompanied, of course, by a Syrian government minder to ensure we that did not stray from places we had permission to work in. I...

Apr 4 2008 9:26AM

Today we visited a UNHCR centre at 'President Bridge' in Damascus where registered refugees come to collect food and supplies. Once every two months people are allocated a food ration of rice, tea, oil, sugar, lentils rice and pasta...

Apr 1 2008 3:12PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

I'm in Damascus for a week with photographer Angie Catlin to interview Iraqi refugees for a project we're working on in conjunction with the Scottish Refugee Council. Alas, hiccups from the outset. When we arrived at the airport last...

Mar 11 2008 3:14PM

Imminent execution PAKISTAN Zahid Masih (m) Zahid Masih, who worked for the Pakistan army, is due to be executed on 12 March. According to local human rights organizations, he was found guilty of the murder and sexual assault of a nine...

Feb 8 2008 12:55PM

Imminent executionSAUDI ARABIA Sheikh Mastan (alias Mohammed Salim) (m) aged 30, married with one childHamza Abu Bakir, (m) aged 47, married with four childrenThe two men named above, both Indian nationals, are at risk of imminent...
