Michael Quinn
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By Les Walton CBE Chair of the Association of Education Advisers AoEA The regular Government press briefings quite rightly regularly report on the impact of the Coronavirus on the NHS and the economy. Increasing we are now hearing...
By Holly Shorey, Vice Chair, Amnesty Children's Human Rights Network How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting children’s rights? The current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting all of us, and all of us in different ways. Each generation is...
Serena Jemmett 18, A-Level student (& Network Committee Member) On the 18th of march, Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of the Department for Education, announced that year 11 and year 13 students would not be sitting their public exams...
Blog by Eilidh Lynn, 15 at the time of winning 2019's 'Use Your Voice' competition. Last year I submitted an essay to the ‘Use Your Voice To Demand Your Rights’ competition run by the Amnesty UK Child Rights Network. I chose to write...
How does that happen? How does another year slip by without us noticing? It seems like only a few weeks ago that we were contemplating our 2019 programme and now, suddenly, it has flown by and we are thinking forward to 2020. In...
Ndume Olatushani spent 28 years in a Tennessee prison - 20 years on death row - for a crime that he did not commit: the 1983 murder of Joe Belenchia. Twenty years of legal battles uncovered that evidence against him had been fabricated...
Blog by Katherine Walton - Chair of Amnesty UK's Children's Human Rights Network Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights demands that “everyone” has the right to partake in their government, either by voting on things...
Blog by Holly Shorey, Vice-Chair of the Amnesty UK Children's Human Rights Network On Friday 6th September, we handed in our “Make Rights Real” petition to the UK Government, Department for Education. Well over 7000 of you took action...
Blog by Lisa Incledon, Children's Network Committee Member In the 30 th year of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we are asking UK government to make sure that rights are real for all children. Convention on the Rights of the...
Lui Asquith, Solicitor at Mermaids, Pronouns: They/them As a non-binary person and as someone who works for the rights of trans and gender variant children every day, IDAHOBIT 2019 is an opportunity to address the transphobia that...
Khakan Qureshi, Activist and co-organiser of LGBTIQ+ Intersectionality and Islam Conference, Pronouns: He/him IDAHOBIT is important to me for a variety of reasons. But the last few months, I feel, encapsulate why we need IDAHOBIT. In...
Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Founder of UK Black Pride Pronouns: She/her So much of the work we do at UK Black Pride is about ensuring the unique and specific experiences of queer people of colour are acknowledged, amplified and understood. We...
By Maria Munir and the Amnesty Rainbow Network IDAHOBIT – or International Day Against Homophobia, Biophobia, Intersexism and Transphobia – marks our global commitment to reducing inequality for LGBTI+ people. No matter where we are in...
If you have not been to an Amnesty International AGM before you really should make the time to go, for reasons that I hope will become clear in this short report. We pitched up on the morning of Saturday April 13 th for two days of...
Strikers for climate justice tell us, in their own words, why they're skipping school to demand change.
Blog by Jennie Joy, Rainbow Network Committee Member The 31 st of March is International Transgender Day of Visibility. It’s a day for celebrating our trans siblings and recognizing and raising awareness of the discrimination that they...
By 'The Stop Executions in Egypt Campaign', launched by the 'Egyptian Coordination of Rights and Freedoms' and other human rights organisations. The right to life is one of the most basic human rights. In all society's,religions...
Let me make my position crystal clear upfront - I believe the death penalty is never justified and I’m thankful to live in a country with an independent justice system where it has long-since been abolished. But I’m never complacent in...
By Maria Munir. Maria is a human rights defender and LGBTI Network Committee Member. Content warning: mentions of murder, anti-Semitism, racism, ableism, homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia Six million. That’s the first thing that...
By Natalia Prilutskaya, Russia Researcher at Amnesty International For the second time in less than two years, a violent homophobic crackdown has left LGBTI people in Chechnya fearing for their lives. Earlier this week the Russian LGBT...