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Oct 27 2010 5:39PM
Tariq Aziz: the death penalty is not a popularity contest

News that Tariq Aziz is to face hanging for crimes committed as deputy prime minister of Iraq isn’t going to lead to an international outcry of the kind we sometimes see with the death penalty. This, to use the Daily Express’ phrase...

Oct 25 2010 2:05PM
No investigation required: an investigation <em>is</em> required after WikiLeaks revelations

Looks to me as if the devastating account in the WikiLeaks “Iraq War Logs” of how the abuse of detainees in Iraq occurred on a vast scale during 2004-9 has thrown a whole new light on this tragic, blood-soaked period in Iraq’s history...

Oct 21 2010 1:48PM
Cuts, protests and the spirit of Ari Up

Cuts, cuts, cuts. Fair or unfair? I’m no economist (neither are Osborne, Alexander or Johnson!) and wouldn’t claim to be able to judge it properly. But – like many others – I can’t help worrying about the damage the spending review may...

Oct 19 2010 1:29PM
When did you stop beating your wife?

The old Catch-22 thing where interviewers sometimes try to trap their interviewees with a loaded question that leads to two equally unpalatable answers – in this example, either (1) I haven’t stopped, or (2) I have stopped – comes to...

Oct 8 2010 12:46PM
Imagine: a world with no death penalty

The 9th of October is, as any self-respecting Beatles fan will probably tell you, the day John Lennon was born. Had he survived Mark Chapman’s bullets – and another 30 years of rock star fame and turbulence (not to mention ordinary...

Oct 5 2010 1:56PM
The Wisdom of free speech: from Albania to Syria

I’ve got to admit I was never a fan of Norman Wisdom, pratfalls and mugging not being my thing. But then again … there was something interesting about his whole screen persona and his amazing success. Was he a trailblazer for freedom...

Sep 30 2010 2:55PM
This sporting life: forced evictions, modern slavery

For weeks there have been stories of hundreds of thousands of poor people being forcibly evicted to make way for the Commonwealth Games in India, and now comes a report that thousands of poor women and girls in India are being enticed...

Sep 29 2010 1:25PM
Ed Miliband: another new dawn?

I was blowing off steam the other day on Twitter about how I disliked the Channel Four trail for the recent More4 Miliband of Brothers drama. Actually I just didn’t like how they’d used Joy Division’s “Love Will Tear Us Apart”, a soapy...

Sep 21 2010 6:57PM
The Ashtiani counter-attack: President Ahmadinejad bowls himself with a googly

To me it’s an unexpected twist. The Iranian establishment has launched an apparently calculated counter-attack over the Ashtiani stoning case. First Iranian MPs and official Iranian news agencies have issued seemingly coordinated...

Sep 15 2010 6:54PM
A '------- --------' [please fill in as appropriate] foreign policy: will Hague fill the gap?

“Ethical” foreign policy. Putting human rights “at the heart of” our foreign policy. Successive foreign secretaries have promoted – or end up being associating with – foreign policies with particular labels. Judging by early reaction...

Sep 13 2010 12:00PM
Mercy mission: the case of Ramze Shihab Ahmed

A Briton going on a “mission” to get a relative “out of a foreign jail” is one of those media staples that you see every now and again. These stories can be a little queasy – there’s often a whiff of chauvinism in the standard...

Sep 9 2010 5:44PM
Chen Guangcheng: a drop in the ocean

The release from prison of prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng is a tiny drop in an ocean of repression in China. But a drop is better than nothing at all. Chen is relatively well-known as the blind, self-taught...

Sep 7 2010 6:05PM
Ashtiani: more news, mostly bad

The latest news on Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani , the woman at risk of stoning in Iran, is far from reassuring. It's being claimed that she’s been lashed – 99 times – because a photograph of her without a chador covering has been...

Sep 6 2010 1:50PM
Like otters and kingfishers: human rights in the Labour leadership contest

As I said during the general election campaign (remember that?!), none of the parties were really talking about human rights then. And the same is basically true in the Labour leadership contest now. Yesterday’s one-and-half-hour...

Sep 2 2010 1:05PM
Reviling the Roma: the new political bloodsport

Is prejudice against Gypsies the last vestige of "acceptable" racism in Britain? Seems to me that it is. Lately I’ve heard acquaintances of mine (including Facebook friends I can’t exactly vouch for) railing against “thieving Gypos”...

Sep 1 2010 5:43PM
Putin and the art of choosing your words carefully

Loose lips sink ships went the old WW2 adage, and Vladimir Putin’s remarks that protestors in Russia who don’t have official permission can expect to be hit over the head can pretty obviously lead if not to sunk ships, then certainly...

Aug 25 2010 11:50AM
The governments Selfish behaviour on arms to Saudi Arabia

Sometimes it takes a twist to make something appealing, and one heavyweight TV programme that still sticks in my mind is the Will Self-fronted investigation into Britain’s arms industry from 2002. Though I’m no fan of his novels (his...

Aug 20 2010 4:54PM
Fearful symmetry: why Saudi Arabia should end cruel punishments

In the past it’s been the gouging out of an eye or the extraction of a tooth. Now it’s the severing of spinal column. The Saudi justice system’s willingness to countenance extreme and cruel punishments is once again in the news after a...

Aug 19 2010 5:13PM
Pimp my profile: trafficking figures debate missing the point

Yesterday’s Association of Chief Police Officers report into so-called “off-street' prostitution threw up a new – and already much-discussed – figure of 2,600 women and girls trafficked into forced prostitution in England and Wales...

Aug 18 2010 7:41PM
Tainting the brand: the Taliban take PR back to the stone age

If the Taliban were a product PR companies would be studying their tactics. Because they’ve certainly got massive “brand awareness”. Aside from al-Qaida (and maybe not even them), they’re surely the most talked about armed group in the...
