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Oct 30 2007 1:47PM
Israel, Blackwater and Arranged Marriage

Its all about the law today. First up, Israel. In response to rocket attacks launched from the Gaza Strip, the Israelis decided to tackle the problem at the source. A rational decision on the face of it. So what did they opt for...

Oct 22 2007 3:41PM
Silent nights as sport bumps real news down the agenda

Its Monday and we here at Amnesty have a new world record the quietest weekend of calls in history. Of course its all down to a small weekend of sport. There was the disappointment of Lewis Hamilton in Formula One and the repercussions...

Oct 18 2007 2:09PM
Iran and Burma: A picture is worth a thousand words

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Now given the amount of new material that hit the Amnesty inbox in the last 24 hours, weve got a novel on our hands. Firstly there was a great eight-minute film made by the...

Oct 11 2007 2:14PM
Mighty Metro on Zimbabwe

Stunning piece on Zimbabwe on the front page of todays Metro . Getting a rare glimpse into the secretive country, the paper highlights the death of Vincent Sibanda, a nine-month-old baby boy and the latest victim of the AIDS epidemic...

Oct 8 2007 2:35PM
Iraqi refugees get lost in media circus

So this afternoon, up stepped the PM to face the snarling media pack all desperate for blood. And their fascination? The Election That Never Was (ETNW). Sometimes you wish the media would get a grip. The ETNW dominated while the story...

Sep 25 2007 5:56PM
Brown, Burma and maroon

Was it just me, or did our new PM saying human rights are universal in his maiden leaders speech at Labour Party Conference , make you sit up and think? Of course, Gordon Browns comments come on the back of the growing unrest in Burma...
