Tale of Thai torture ignored by UK press. Gather...
With Kate Winslet, Prince Harry and admittedly Israel dominating the news pages, it’s been really difficult for other stories to get a look in.That’s very much the case with Thailand – and even when stories from the Asian state have made the papers serious human rights violations have been ignored.Think of Thailand and you will probably conjure up images of blockaded airports ruining Simon Calder’s extensive travel plans as the two sides of the political divide took to the streets to protest against one another.But while all that was going on the Royal Thai government were clamping down on insurgents knowing the prying eyes of the global media were looking elsewhere.It’s been immensely frustrating, and we’ve tried to rectify that today with a new report that puts the spotlight firmly on the unfolding humanitarian crisis in the south of the country.It’s a report that reveals systematic torture and murder by the security forces. It’s all hard-hitting stuff with tales of beatings, suffocations with plastic bags, burnings, electric shocks and sodomy – at least four people have been killed as a result of these brutal punishments.So with all this collateral delivered to their desks and interviews arranged with our researchers, what does the British press deliver? One report on the BBC.Now there’s only one way to sum up my frustration: “Gather…”
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