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Oct 12 2009 2:36PM
Will the US-UK entente cordiale ruin progress on major Arms Trade Treaty?

There was much talk over the weekend about Hillary Clinton’s whistle-stop tour around Europe. During her whirlwind tour the US Secretary of State managed to make a pit-stop at Westminster where she reassured Gordon Brown of the US-UK...

Oct 9 2009 7:08PM
Tehran and Washington: united in death

Alarming news from Iran (again). This time it’s the fact that there’s been a death sentence over the election protests. Mohammad Reza Ali-Zamani , a 37-year-old, is now facing death by hanging for the crime of supposedly taking up arms...

Oct 8 2009 4:44PM
Best human rights film ever made? Gandhi. Or maybe not

At the weekend my partner was watching Gandhi , one of our DVD rentals from (the excellent) Sofa Cinema. “I’m not that interested”, I said. “Seen it”. “Not that good.” “Ben Kingsley as Gandhi? Hmm, not sure.” I was stubborn, adamant. I...

Oct 8 2009 1:42PM
Sri Lanka - what will happen when the monsoon comes?

Today is National Poetry Day in Britain. At Amnesty we recently received the very moving poem below from a Sri Lankan living in Canada who is trying to imagine what life in the detention camps in Sri Lanka must be like for a child...

Oct 7 2009 6:15PM
Will the London Olympics mean a pot of gold for people traffickers?

Looking forward to the London Olympics? Well, it’s a fair bet that so are the trafficking gangs who force people into prostitution, domestic servitude or no-or-low-pay labouring jobs. In less than three years’ time the athletes and...

Oct 6 2009 4:18PM
My son was taken from my lap in order to be executed

Today’s Guardian reports on what appears to have been the appalling death of a man who was allegedly tortured to death in detention by members of the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah-led intelligence services. According to the report...

Oct 5 2009 1:19PM
Four dead in old Ohio

… which, as middle-aged hippies like me will tell you, is a line from Neil Young’s student protest song “Ohio” (“Gotta get down to it / Soldiers are cutting us down / Should have been done long ago / What if you knew her and found her...

Sep 30 2009 4:30PM
Losing the battle against rape

Lack of justice for women and girls who have been victims of rape and sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations is high on the agenda for Amnesty today. We have two reports looking at the exact theme but in countries...

Sep 25 2009 1:20PM
Death row records:  Richard Hughes and Troy Davis

Morbidly enough, I’ve always thought songs about capital punishment were a pretty fascinating sub-genre. On this blog I’ve previously mentioned The Adverts’ punk classic “Gary Gilmore’s Eyes” (a number 18 hit in 1977, pop-pickers!) and...

Sep 24 2009 1:20PM
Police brutality in Honduras leaves country in crisis

Amnesty is concerned at the excessive force applied by police officers against civilians in Honduras over the past few days. The firing of tear gas at a human rights organisation when around 100 men, women and children were inside is...

Sep 23 2009 6:24PM
actions need to follow systematic examination

The Guardian today has two very different reports on rape. One focuses on a government review on how rape cases are handled here in the UK while the other looks at the prison sentence for a man in South Africa who was jailed for the...

Sep 22 2009 4:27PM
Dying for a right to health - pregnant women in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone one in every eight pregnant woman will die. It’s staggering to think that this could be so when the threat of dying in childbirth is so unlikely in the UK. Pregnant women in Sierra Leone die from a number of reasons...

Sep 18 2009 3:11PM
The cruelty of death row and a glimmer or two of hope

There’s a man on death row facing imminent execution for the second time. How so? Romell Broom would already be dead if his execution by lethal injection on Tuesday hadn’t gone badly wrong when state officials couldn’t find a vein...

Sep 17 2009 1:32PM
Trafigura settles out of court

The biggest human rights story in the news today has to be the reports of British oil trading company Trafigura agreeing to settle out of court with 31,000 people in Ivory Coast. British law firm Leigh Day were representing the Ivorian...

Sep 16 2009 1:42PM
Shooting the messenger (and everyone else): investigating war crimes in Gaza

The finding from the UN investigator Judge Richard Goldstone that both the Israeli Defense Forces and Palestinian armed groups committed war crimes in Gaza at the beginning of the year has met with two predictable responses. Response...

Sep 14 2009 3:03PM
EU restrictions remain for Zimbabwe until human rights improve

The gloves are off and the war of words is definitely back on by Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF officials toward the EU following the weekend’s visit to the country by European officials and their refusal to lift sanctions against Zimbabwe...

Sep 12 2009 1:43PM
Gay hate, then and now

Good to read about Gordon Brown's apology for the indescribably brutal way in which computer pioneer Alan Turing was treated by the government and the courts in Britain fifty plus year ago. Turing, whose work was essential to the...

Sep 10 2009 9:12AM
Here be dragons: off the map and into the deranged world of Japans capital punishment system

To kick off here are a couple of quotes: “While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus. It was a very beautiful place and it was really green.” “The wisdom never dies. On that kind of...

Sep 9 2009 4:20PM
Journalism and the school of (very) hard knocks

Who would be a journalist? It’s hard to get into. It’s tough work: frantic deadlines, high-pressure – get it wrong and your outfit might get sued! And there’s immense pressure to cut costs, especially on the inky-handed “Fleet Street”...

Sep 8 2009 5:42PM
weapons for sale

The biennial arms fair opened for business today at Docklands ExCel Centre amid a flurry of reports about international weapons transfers and protests. BBC News reports that Campaign Against the Arms Trade were expected to stage...
