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Feb 22 2008 1:57PM
A slap in the face for free speech in Egypt - and some backtracking on rendition in Westminster

One year ago, 23-year-old Egyptian blogger Karim Amer was sentenced to four years' imprisonment for the "crime" of blog entries (at Karam93.blogspot ) that was said to be critical of Islam and Egypts President Mubarak. Yet another slap...

Feb 21 2008 1:46PM
From Pakistan to Israel via Iran

A bit of a round-the-world round-up for you today. A trip from Pakistan to Israel via Iran. Firstly, Pakistan and the fall-out from Mondays elections continues unabated. The latest move seems to be a determination from US and UK...

Feb 20 2008 5:37PM
China: is it taking the Mickey?

Whatever you think of Steven Spielberg - and I think some of his films are great! - you certainly cant keep China, the Olympics and human rights out of the news now. The latest case to come under the spotlight is Yang Chunlin, a former...

Feb 19 2008 1:27PM
All change in Cuba and Pakistan

Its all go in the Amnesty press office today as two bits of breaking news filter through. Theres the news that Fidel Castro is to step down as president of Cuba, and then theres wholesale change in Pakistan as the election results...

Feb 18 2008 5:41PM
The count has begun

This Mondays been so busy in the press office that the blog arrives a little late today. In fact, as we write, polling stations have just closed in Pakistan , as the countrys people have taken part in the much-awaited election. So far...

Feb 15 2008 1:06PM
A higher authority?

After the flare-up over Sharia law in the UK, the Church of Englands back in the news after a Synod debate yesterday on terrorism, security and human rights. Passing a motion by a whopping majority of 235 votes to two, the churchmen...

Feb 14 2008 2:13PM
Hollywood and human rights

Do you think Steven Spielberg achieved anything at all with this gesture? Jeremy Paxman asked the Conservative MEP Edward McMillan-Scott last night. Well, Im on Newsnight; thats one improvement, the politician answered, only for Paxman...

Feb 13 2008 3:16PM
Steven Spielberg and the Olympics of Doom

So the director of Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark (and my personal favourite) Duel, has made headlines by saying he would not take up his role as the Beijing Olympics artistic director . Steven Spielbergs decision, backed by another...

Feb 12 2008 2:06PM
The Guantanamo travesty, vol 231

Just how far does the United States think it can go with its sham justice process at Guantánamo? After six years and massive criticism for holding hundreds of prisoners in illegal detention, the US is now compounding its mistakes by...

Feb 11 2008 12:04PM
Olympic gag gets no laughs

There has been a lot of concern about free speech during the Beijing Olympics. Would foreign journalists enjoy the full reporting freedoms they were promised? Doubtful. And domestic journalists? Unlikely. Would protests by Chinese...

Feb 8 2008 2:47PM
Takeaway rappers

Crazy Chef and Little Tiger. No, not two pre-merger roadside restaurants but a couple of Chinese rappers who, as the Times put it, are putting the bling in Beijing. Together with a chap called Kirby Li, they form Dragons Tongue - China...

Feb 6 2008 2:05PM
The stuff of life?

With Super Tuesday mania spilling into Wednesday a big US story has snuck out over CIA chief Michael Hayden admitting for the first time that Americas intelligence officials have been waterboarding prisoners held in the war on terror...

Feb 5 2008 4:32PM
Attacks on the Press

Sometimes when Im talking to a journalist I know, whos telling me (usually excitedly) about an impending trip to somewhere like Iraq or Somalia, Im tempted to say be careful. But it sounds a bit lame, so I dont. Next time I mightnt...

Feb 4 2008 1:23PM
A super busy week ahead

With January finally behind us and the cold weather starting to bite, we thought wed take a look at the week ahead and give you some issues to think about. If youre having a Mediocre Monday, dont worry, tomorrows Super Tuesday. Well it...

Feb 1 2008 1:57PM
Subverting state power? State secret.

So its February and were all remarking how quickly the year is passing. But Chinese activist Hu Jia wont be feeling this way. He was detained, reportedly by about 30 security officers, in his dining room two days after Christmas and...

Jan 31 2008 5:20PM
In privacy or a public spectacle? The end result's the same

I normally find January long and never-ending. But this year, global events have kept us so busy here in the Amnesty press office that I cant believe it will be 1st February tomorrow. First Pakistan, then Kenya. Today Iran is on our...

Jan 30 2008 10:01AM
Out in the cold in Grozny and a look at democracy in Russia

Nearly 150 families have been thrown out of their temporary homes into the cold winters night in Grozny, Chechnya. And by cold I dont mean a bit chilly todays forecast is for snow, with a maximum temperature of -5 Celcius. The families...

Jan 29 2008 3:01PM
Bloodshed in Kenya, plans for it in Turkey

News of more bloodshed, killings and chaos is coming from Kenya every day at the moment. Despite international mediators installed in the region to bring agreement between the two political leaders, the violence blazes on, leaving...

Jan 28 2008 5:04PM
A tale of violence and dictators

This weekend has been a busy one for the press team. Its been a heady mix of dictators and violence. Terrible violent attacks and strife continues to flare up throughout Kenya. 19 people were burned to death yesterday after a mob of...

Jan 25 2008 4:25PM
Welcome to President Musharraf

Its all go on Pakistan this weekend. President Pervez Musharraf arrives on these shores later today as part of a four-day visit. As The Telegraph reports , hes already spent most of the week gallivanting around Europe trying to...
