Final dispatch from Activists Conference

Cristine Ferguson was our furthest travelled delegate at the Activists Conference, here she shares her motivation for making the journey
Living in Orkney it is a big thing travelling ‘sooth’ to an Amnesty UK AGM and conference. I have been to several over the years and have really enjoyed them.
Last year I decide to go to the Scottish Regional Conference and loved it. It was a great mix of interesting speakers and discussions and actions and meeting people.
This year I was therefore very keen to come again. I had to leave Orkney two days earlier than planned due to the dire weather forecast but was determined not to miss out.
Once again, I experienced a great day full of interest, information and meeting new folk. I thought Bonface was an excellent speaker and it was a privilege to meet him. It makes campaigning on that issue much more meaningful.
Thanks to all the organisers for making it happen and I’m looking forward already to next year !
Best wishes
Cristine Ferguson
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