Edinburgh International Book Festival 2018

A guest blog written by Amnesty International Scotland volunteer, Hannah Buchan.
‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.’
- Article 19, The UN Declaration of Human Rights
Freedom of speech and expression is a right that we often take for granted in the UK. Worldwide, private citizens and journalists alike are imprisoned for acting upon the right to have an opinion, an identity, as it does not align with what their governments perceive as an acceptable point of view.
The Imprisoned Writers Series focuses on the stories of those whose right to freedom of speech and expression has been violated, and as a result they have been incarcerated, or are otherwise unable to speak out in person.
Each day, the series introduces a new theme with texts that are complementary to the day’s theme, as well as a variety of guest readers and chairs. This year, themes include Women’s Rights in 2018, Mental health and LGBTQ+ Discrimination, and Immigration. The texts that we have chosen not only represent the experience of the people that wrote them, but of many others who dare to rebel against their governments and societies, for the betterment of Human Rights.
Notable authors who have read for Amnesty International include Iain Banks, David Almond and Scottish PEN Writer, Jenni Fagan. Both Almond and Fagan are returning to the festival this year, with Fagan chairing on our ‘Writers at Risk’ segment on August 15th, and Almond reading for our ‘Living Through Conflict’ segment on August 24th.
The Imprisoned Writers Series reminds us that behind every refugee, every prisoner, every victim, there is a name and a story. What we witness on the news, or read about online, distracts us from the fact that we are all human beings that deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of our beliefs, race, gender, sexuality or ability. It reminds us of our privilege, the things we take for granted in Britain, and how we can help to bring justice for those who deserve it.
We invite you to join us for one of the most important events at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, providing you with the opportunity to learn more about Human Rights from our wonderful line-up of readers.
You can also download the handouts for each day below. These give a brief introduction to the readings and readers, and include a call to action from Amnesty International.
Dates and More Information
11th August - Women’s Rights in 2018
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
12th August - Living in Limbo: Immigration
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
13th August - Families Forced Apart
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
14th August - The Power of Fiction
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
15th August - Writers at Risk
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
16th August - #Blacklivesmatter
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
17th August - LGBTQ+ State of Mind
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
18th August - Freedom from Torture
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
19th August - Women Empowering Women
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
20th August - Human Rights Defenders
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
21st August - Putin’s Power
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
22nd August - Showing Solidarity
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
23rd August - Forced Confessions
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
24th August - Living Through Conflict
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
25th August - Turkey: Erdogan’s Crackdown
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
26th August - Faith in the Future
For tickets contact the Edinburgh International Book Festival.
- Downloads
- 11 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 13 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 14 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 15 August Imprisoned Writers with Scottish PEN: Readings and Readers Info
- 16 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 17 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 18 August Imprisoned Writers with Freedom From Torture: Readings and Readers Info
- 19 August Imprisoned Writers with Freedom From Torture: Readings and Readers Info
- 20 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 21 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 22 August Imprisoned Writers with Scottish PEN: Readings and Readers Info
- 23 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 24 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 25 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
- 26 August Imprisoned Writers Readings and Readers Info
Our blogs are written by Amnesty International staff, volunteers and other interested individuals, to encourage debate around human rights issues. They do not necessarily represent the views of Amnesty International.