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Amnesty International UK
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Apr 25 2008 1:06PM
A Stunning Success

To the SNP Spring Conference, where a motion on Tasers awaits the attention of delegates. For those of you who have never typed "taser abuse" into Youtube these are pistol-shaped electro-shock weapons. They fire two metal probes that...

Apr 18 2008 3:21PM
Til Death Us Do Part

This week we were firmly ensconced on traditional Amnesty territory, with the launch of our annual report on the use of the death penalty around the world. This event often throws up some of the more ghastly cases that Amnesty deals...

Apr 11 2008 1:52PM
Amnesty crosses borders

Written by Katrin Jonsdottir, from Iceland, who is spending three months in the Edinburgh office: If I was a Chinese citizen living in China I would not have the opportunity to publish this blog today. The Chinese authorities do not...

Apr 4 2008 1:16PM
Where its a crime to campaign for independence.

Our Education Secretary, Fiona Hyslop, will soon have reason to be thankful for the human rights she enjoys in this country. Tomorrow she is leaving for China , leading a Scottish Government delegation “to strengthen our engagement...

Mar 28 2008 11:28AM
23 years waiting for justice in Bhopal

This week I joined a delegation of MSPs and organisations on a march from the Scottish Parliament to the Indian Consulate in Edinburgh. At only two miles it was a small gesture of solidarity with survivors of the 1984 Bhopal tragedy...

Mar 20 2008 1:22PM
Volunteering to talk about Amnesty

After finishing university I was at a loss at what to do next, eventually I decided that some volunteer work was the way to go and I settled on a project Scotland placement with Amnesty International. My mission if I chose to accept it...

Mar 14 2008 3:49PM
Vulnerable women failed by the system

This week saw the launch of Amnesty’s “No Recourse No Safety” report highlighting how the UK Government uses the status of “No Recourse to Public Funds” to deny support and protection to 600 vulnerable women every year. We launched the...

Mar 7 2008 3:27PM
The biggest white ribbon you ever did see

It seemed like a nice way to spend Wednesday lunchtime. Amnesty is supporting the White Ribbon Campaign , an international movement encouraging men to get involved in tackling violence against women. Most men, even the nice ones, tend...

Feb 29 2008 2:42PM
Taking off again..

I don’t usually watch First Minister’s Questions. Its not that it isn’t entertaining. Alex Salmond obviously revels in the role and there’s usually at least one laugh-out-loud moment (sometime’s deliberate, often not). My problem is...

Jan 29 2008 12:21PM
Wha's like us?

To read the papers, or listen to many of our other decision-makers or opinion formers, you would be forgiven for thinking that human rights relate to other people’s problems, generally in a far off place. So here in Scotland, a country...

Jan 16 2008 4:26PM
Orange Friday Protest

Friday 11th January 2008 marked the 6th anniversary of the first war on terror detainees being transported to the illegal detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. We commemorated that day with a demonstration outside the US Consulate in...

Jan 8 2008 4:17PM
A really special homecoming

Its been a long time coming. This morning every Scottish newspaper emblazoned its front page with the message Kenny Richey is Coming Home . Its an extraordinary triumph over adversity, but what goes through the mind of a man who has...

Dec 20 2007 4:30PM
Yuletide blog

So what prospects does 2008 offer for a humble Scottish human rights campaigner? On the one hand I expect well see more of the same in the sense of human rights being dragged through the media as part criminals charter, part distant...

Dec 12 2007 4:36PM
Lock em up and throw away the remote.

Dr Andrew McLellan, our <a data-cke-saved-href="" href="" _blank"="">Chief Inspector of Prisons, is by all accounts a decent...

Nov 19 2007 4:35PM
Come fly with me

One of the most contentious issues in the war on terror has been the extra-legal (is this different to being illegal?) detention of those suspected of involvement in terrorism . You remember all those American cop shows where they read...

Nov 16 2007 11:15AM
Lets talk about human rights

So what have human rights got to do with Scotland? With everything being just hunky dory in Alba, surely our main interest in human rights is to put pressure on all those bad guys overseas who really should be more like us? Well...
