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Apr 8 2013 2:47PM
Mythbusters – Gypsy Traveller Edition

Today is International Roma Day. Last week’s briefing from Amnesty Human Rights Here, Roma Rights Now highlighted horrendous human rights violations ranging from discrimination and hate crimes, to segregation and forced evictions. The...

Apr 2 2013 12:37PM
Tales of the City: Asylum Seekers Speak

An exhibition at the Tramway , Glasgow this week brings into sharp focus the realities of refugees and asylum seekers living in the city. In Human Rights + Wrongs , photographer Angela Catlin and journalist Billy Briggs worked with...

Mar 29 2013 11:47AM
We only want to be equal – Scottish Gypsy Travellers speak

Guest post by Amnesty Scotland campaigns volunteer Catriona Clunas, who has been heading up our Scottish Gypsy Traveller campaign this year. On the 26 March 2013, the Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC) of the Scottish Parliament...

Mar 28 2013 4:47PM
Travelling Tales- giving a voice to Scottish Traveller youth

Youth charity Article 12’s “What a Voice” exhibition, showcases 12 different aspects of Scottish Gypsy Traveller life including Nomadic existence, Heritage, Family, and Health in an effort to help us – the settled community –...

Mar 21 2013 8:56PM
Behind the scenes at the CEDAW

On Monday women’s rights advocates from across Scotland came to Edinburgh to learn how the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) can help women living here access their...

Mar 15 2013 11:26AM
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade - Part two

In Part Two of our blog (see Part One ), campaigner David Grimason tells us about the very personal motivation that keeps him focused. Nearly a decade ago, on 7 July 2003, David’s life was torn apart when his two-year-old son was...

Mar 13 2013 5:12PM
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade

The UN process to establish an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) began in 2007 after Amnesty International and its partners in the Control Arms campaign managed to convince 153 governments to vote in December 2006 for a consultation. Amnesty...

Mar 8 2013 3:45PM
Why do we need International Women's Day in Scotland?

Do we really need a day to support women and give special attention to their issues? This is Scotland, after all, not Iran or China or Afghanistan. Has feminism not done the job already? Statistics suggest the answer is "No" and, until...

Mar 5 2013 8:03PM
A Righteous Gathering

Human Rights took centre stage last week at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) annual Gathering conference with a number of panel discussions taking a closer look at the positive potential of human rights based...

Feb 22 2013 10:44AM
The Scottish Parliament talks Human Rights

Earlier this month, MSP Roseanna Cunningham (SNP) sponsored a human rights debate requesting an 'elevated' discussion on promoting and protecting human rights in Scotland, Europe and the wider world. I am pleased to report that the...

Feb 20 2013 12:12PM
Glasgow's Secret Policeman's Ball a roaring success yet again

Glasgow University's Secret Policeman's Ball 2013 was a tremendous success, raising a record £2248.85 for Amnesty International. In this guest blog post, Glasgow University Amnesty group member and SPB organiser Sophie Kortenbruck...

Feb 18 2013 4:08PM
Scottish Gypsy Travellers at the Scottish Students’ Conference 2013

Last week Amnesty student reps from across Scotland gathered in Glasgow University for this year's Amnesty Scottish Student Conference. In the evening, the Glasgow University Group held their annual Secret Policeman’s Ball and raised a...

Dec 7 2012 5:14PM
Student Human Rights Reporter Award hopefuls, begin the holidays with a message for Human Rights Day

With the holidays nearly here, there’s no time like the present to start thinking about a submission for Amnesty’s Student Human Rights Reporter Award . The competition recognises students across Scotland and the UK who have what it...

Dec 5 2012 4:11PM
What I learned at the Amnesty Scotland Human Rights Festival

This post by Sarah Stewart originally appeared on her Service Writing blog. Here's her experiences attending our Scottish Human Rights Festival Amnesty Scotland had their annual Human Rights Festival at St Augustine’s Church in...

Aug 15 2012 2:46PM
Taser and spit hood use by Police Scotland

Tonight is Stand Up For Freedom night, our biggest comedy show at the Edinburgh Festival, the largest arts festival in the world, in a fairly huge venue– and we’re nearly there, we’re sort of crouching for freedom at the moment. It...

Jul 4 2012 10:39AM

Blog by Alexa Anderson (One of Amnesty's brilliant volunteers at last years Edinburgh Festival) Volunteering can sometimes be a risky experience; you never quite know what to expect, how well things are going to be structured and...

Jun 18 2012 5:09PM
Health Practitioner, Activist and Prisoner of Conscience - Dr. Binayak Sen Speaks in Edinburgh

Blog by Domini Sowa (Amnesty International Scotland, Volunteer) Dr Binayak Sen does not look like a man for whom the term ‘seditious’ would be applicable. Yet the 62 year old public health practitioner, activist and prisoner of...

Jun 6 2012 4:25PM
Photography students at Napier University tackle issue of Arms Trade Treaty and international weapons industry in book series

Blog by Dominic Sowa (Amnesty International Scotland, Volunteer) Second year BA (Hons) Photography and Film students at Napier University are releasing a series of photography books exploring the issues surrounding the arms trade. The...

May 23 2012 10:39AM
Amnesty Students March for an Arms Trade Treaty

Here is a blog by Molly Robertson from Amnesty’s Queen Margaret University Student Society, writing about the hugely successful student march that took place on Edinburgh’s iconic Royal Mile on 12 May 2012. When the Amnesty group at...

May 22 2012 3:53PM
Guest blog by Vivien Caldwell, Amnesty Paisley Group - Human Trafficking

Amnesty Group Paisley are excited to say that Fri 4 May saw the Unite against Human Trafficking Conference come together in what turned out to be a very successful and productive day. The group planned the conference in partnership...
