Students head to Amnesty HQ for Action for Change 2013
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[View the story "Action For Change 2013" on Storify]Action For Change 2013
Storified by Amnesty UK· Fri, Mar 01 2013 07:01:23
Amnesty students from across the UK are about to arrive at the Human Rights Action Centre in London for two packed days of activism training, inspirational speakers and to be part of a spectacular campaign action for the Arms Trade Treaty. Follow it all here... Off to London for this year's #a4c! @STANCommittee have been working our socks off to make sure this is an awesome event, get excited!!!Eilidh DouglasSpring 2013: Arms Trade Treaty Campaign UpdateAmnesty InternationalA quick reminder of why everyone at Action For Change will be out on the streets for a spectacular Arms Trade Treaty campaign action on Saturday afternoon. We're counting down the days until the Amnesty team head to New York for a conference that should result in the world's first international Arms Trade Treaty. Oli explains more in the video above, and fellow ATT campaigner Verity will be part of a panel discussion here on Saturday afternoon, when she will be joined on stage by representatives from Oxfam and the UK government, plus campaigner for Arms Control, David Grimason.Good morning Amnesty international students!!! On my way to #a4c are you?!!!Daisy Our student activists are here this weekend to get clued up on our campaigns work - follow #a4c to find out more UKWhile more students arrive, why not join us downstairs for a little catch-up and a cup of tea? #a4c Student UK
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